Richie° Missing (2)

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Summary; go read previous chapter (Richie°Missing) Richie was devastated about you missing, he wanted you back badly.


I felt a throbbing pain and opened my eyes, my nose sniffled and I could smell something so distinct and awful... My eyes examined the floating bodies above me. Where was I? I sat up and realised I was in the sewers? My back was covered in sewer water. Gross.

Last thing I remember was being home alone and then I saw the clown, he took me. I examined the sewer and saw no sign of him or IT . Why didn't IT kill me yet? Why did he leave me here just to soak up this dirty water? Slowly I stood myself up and made my way over to another tunnel, my breathing was unsteady and my hands were shaking.

As I walked past I glanced at the yellow raincoat...Deep down in my gut I knew it was Georgie's. I gripped onto the familiar fabric and turned it around to see the name "Georgie D" written on the tag of the rain coat. My breathing became un-steady again. I felt as my tears poured down. I licked my lips and shook my head, ok, I needed to get out of here. I took a few steps but heard noise coming from another tunnel, I ducked low and slowly made my way back behind the huge mountain of people's belongings.

I heard footsteps, I peaked slightly to my right and saw the clown... I flared my nostrils and examined what he was holding... A girl? Was she dead?... Beverly Marsh? I exhaled a breath and made sure he couldn't hear me. He placed her down and walked off into another tunnel. This was my chance to see if she was alright.

"Beverly?" I whispered as I made my way over to her, I kneeled down and started slightly moving her.

"Beverly? It's me Y/N Y/L." I whispered, her chest was rising so she was still alive. Beverly groaned, her eyelids opened and she was surprised to see me.

"Shh, it's ok. He wandered off. It's me Y/N." I re-assured her, Beverly smiled and hugged me.

"I'm glad you're alive. T-the boys, we've been looking for you. Ri-chie-" she didn't finish her sentence due to noise coming from the tunnel IT entered. I gulped and held her hand.

"We need to get out of here now." I whispered, she agreed and we both stood up.

"Which tunnel?" I asked as we examined the multiple tunnels, she shrugged and I gulped. Suddenly some music turned on... We both turned around to see the clown on stage, he did specify that he was a dancing clown.

That bitch started dancing.

I raised my brows and clenched my jaw, I turned my head to one of the tunnels and saw a beaming light. Our escape. The music stopped and IT gave us a look of terror.

He started running towards us but we started heading to the tunnel. I kept pulling on Beverly to run faster. I felt as I got pulled back, IT had gripped onto her arm. He pushed me off of her and held her in a choke grip in the air,

"LET HER GO! LET HER GO!" I yelled, IT didn't listen, I went over to the mountain of belongings and grabbed a crow bar, I started hitting him with it but it didn't phase him.

IT stepped back, I examined the floating Beverly in the air....

"WHAT DID YOU DO? TURN AROUND AND TELL ME... FUCK FACE WHAT DID YOU DO?" I yelled angry, he slowly turned and had drool dripping down. Gross.

Footsteps echoed from behind me,

"Beverly?" A voice coo'ed, my eyes went wide and knew that familiar voice. I turned around.

"BILL? BILL? Help?!" I yelled, Bill cane running in and I ran towards him. As I ran towards him I looked back to see no sign of IT...

"Y/N? Y-Your alive? I thought you were dead? We t-thought you were d-dead?" Bill whimpered and pulled me into a hug, I cried in his arms.

"Beverly, s-she's floating and I don't know how to get her down Bill. The clown, he was just here? He disappeared as soon as you walked in.. " I whispered, Bill licked his lips.

"You try get Beverly down, I'm going to look for the clown- No, I'm coming with you." I interrupted, he nodded a no. He than ran off. I sighed out of frustration and turned around to see the other boys...

Richie POV

I stood there holding my breath, I couldn't believe that she was standing there. Her eyes came in contact with mine.

"Y/n?" I whispered out, she nodded. I sighed out of relief and made my way down to her, my tears came rushing out.

"You left me, I-I thought you were gone." I cried out, I wrapped my arms around her and held her tightly.

"I looked everywhere for you, I never gave up." I whispered, she cried into my arms. She pulled back and smiled at me with tears.

"We need to help Beverly down... Bill went to go look for the clown. I'm going to go help him- I can't loose you again." I interrupted her sentence, I licked my lips and frowned.

"You won't." She whispered back, I felt as she moved away from my grip. I turned to see Mike holding Ben up to pull down Beverly. She was in some sort of state where she was un-conscious. Next thing you know, Ben kissed Beverly... and she woke up from the trance.

"January Embers." Beverly whispered, Ben smiled.
"My hearts burns there too."

I exhaled and thought about Y/N. We all started making our way to where Bill and Y/N were.

(Skip battle scene)


My breathing increased due to all the fighting we did, we watched as he scurried back into the tunnel hole. IT knew we weren't afraid of him, it made him weak.

"I love you guys so much." I whispered, they all turned to face me. All of us just smiled, we all came into a group hug.

"Don't you dare leave us again." Stan spoke, I laughed and just agreed. I then remembered something. Georgie's rain coat, I stepped back and went to retrieve it.

"Here Bill." I whispered as I handed him the rain coat, Bill smiled slightly and started crying. I looked down to my left and felt as Richie interlocked our fingers, I smiled. We all group hugged again to support Bill.

Richie POV
(Month after the incident)

"The time you went missing, I wasn't myself. I don't ever want you going missing again." I whispered as we sat in the meadows. She smiled and held my hand tightly,

"I won't. I promise". She replied, I blushed and felt as her hand was placed on my cheek, she suddenly leaned in.

-was it good? Feed back please? ❤️☺️

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