Finn° Wasting Time

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Summary: Part 5 of 'Cityboy, Louie, Blame and greyhound'.
City Tool comes and ruins Finn and Y/N's moment.

Finn POV

"Get in the car or else I'm going to- What are you going to do dude?" I spoke and stood in front of Y/N. I made sure she stood behind me. Y/N clung onto me.

"Finn, don't, you'll get hurt." Y/N whispered from behind. I nodded a no.

"Chad just leave. I'm okay- No, I'm not going to leave. This fool is wasting my time." He spoke cutting Y/N off, he got up from his seat and exited the car.

Y/N's grip onto my hand tightened. I clenched my jaw and examined as this 'Chad' dude walked around his car and up to me. Close to my face.

"She's my girlfriend- No she isn't. If she was your girlfriend then she would have left with you already. Instead she's staying back with me, you got that? Also, you don't talk to her like that, ever." I spoke with gritted teeth.

Chads eyes looked over at Y/N who was behind me. Chad reached for her hand and she let go of me.
I became angry and instantly knocked him out.

My hand flicked up and down from the pain that was deflected from the punch.

"Omg." Y/N spoke as she watched chad getting knocked out cold. On the floor.

He groaned out of pain. Y/N then gripped onto my hand and started pulling me, we ran off and left him there.


Adrenaline was pumping. Me and Finn ran off and we continued to run.

"I am not going home with that tool, he was drunk as ever." I explained as I puffed out breaths of air and then inhaled, We both stopped running and reached an ally way.

Finn grinned as he looked at me. "That's the tool you replaced me with? He's an idiot." Finn mentioned, I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"Thank you for knocking him out and, saving me from getting into his car. And I didn't replace you, look I'm throwing that relationship/thing down the drain, it wasn't good to me." I explained, Finn smirked and reached for my hand.

I smiled as I looked down, we interlocked fingers. His goofy laugh and smile made me feel at home instantly.

"Dinner? And then I'll drive you home?" Finn whispered, I bit my lip and agreed to his offer.

Suddenly it started raining. We both looked up at the night sky.

Finn POV

I looked back down and felt as the rained poured over us.

My eyes examining Y/N, she was still looking up.

"Just our luck." She whispered, I bit my lip and placed my hand onto her cheek and pulled her closer towards me... It felt right. Y/N looked back down and directly at me.

Her eyes staring into mine. I leaned in and felt as her soft lips made contact with my lips, I missed these lips so god damn much. I felt as she smiled during the kiss which made me grin and chuckle.

This kiss was in sync, felt like a cloud, it was like a natural Wave.

-Here you guys go ❤️🌊

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