Mike° I want something like that

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Summary; When Mike and El were together it was like magic... You were happy for them, but you were also insecure that you'd never get something like that, that type of love that they had.


I fiddled with my hair as the campaign continued.

"Guys, I'm done. This campaign has been going on for 9 hours, I need to head home." Max explained while standing up and making her way over to Mike's basement stairs. Lucas then stood up.

"I'm going with her. I'll see you guys later." Lucas spoke, I waved a goodbye to Max and Lucas and watched as they walked up the steps.

Now it was just, Mike, El, Dustin, Will and Me.

"So who's still sleeping over mine tonight?" Mike asked with a raised brow. I gulped and raised my hand, realising I was the only one with a raised hand. The others were busy, Dustin had to help his mom, Will was going out with Jonathan and El wanted to spend time with Hopper. So it was just me.

"Okay, just Y/N!" Mike spoke, I nodded my head and just winked at him. Since the campaign was officially over, the others decided to leave. We said our goodbyes, I watched as Mike and El confessed their love for each other before de-parting.

Mike POV

Me and Y/N started making our way back to the basement.

"So what should we do tonight? I was thinking we bake like what we always do or we can- I admire your relationship Mike, you and El... are, just great." Y/N mentioned interrupting me.

I licked my lips and smiled to myself,

"Thank you Y/N. I'm going to admit to something, and you can't tell anyone, ok? Promise? " I spoke just stopping her in her tracks. We were at the bottom of my basement steps.

"Okay? I promise." She replied then smirked. I grinned then coughed.

"You are my best friend, like seriously, you beat the boys and the 2 other girls, even though El's my girlfriend...but that's different." I explained just smiling about what I just said.

Y/N just laughed and walked over to the couch to sit down on.

"Really? I beat the others? Wow. Weird." She replied, I chuckled and joined her on the couch.

"Yeah. Well, you never fail to make me happy or smile... I mean, the others make me smile and happy too, but with you it's different for some reason. You make me feel at home." I explained just fiddling with my fingers. I hope she understood what I meant.


I smiled at compliment.

"You make me feel at home as well." I replied just smiling at my best friend. Mike winked at me and just nudged my arm lightly. I sat up properly.

"I want something like that... you know? Like your relationship with El. Seeing you and her together is like magic, the way you look at her, the way you light up every time she's mentioned or around. I hope the boy I'm after would feel the same way towards me. " I explained then looked up at Mike, Mike just licked his lips and nodded his head.

"Well, whoever this guy is, I think you should confess up to him and explain your feelings." Mike replied, I laughed a little.

"I wish it was that easy or simple." I replied then turned my head to stare at the floor, Mike gulped quite loudly.

"If he's what you want, then it's worth the risk. Nothing is simple or easy in life." Mike explained while looking directly at me.

I nodded my head and just agreed.

"I actually wrote him a letter to confess my love, I might give it to him soon, I don't know yet." I explained, Mike chuckled and winked at me.

Mike POV

It was dinner time and Mom had called us up. While Y/N was washing her hands in the basement bathroom I was just waiting on her. Y/N usually flings her jacket on the ground and just leaves it there, which I dislike.

I sighed as I picked up her jacket, my eye brows were raised when I saw a piece of paper sticking out of the pocket.

I pulled it out and saw the top line.

"Mike, "

-part 2?

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