Finn° After heartbreak |5/2|

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Summary: Read Previous parts 💗


My girlies were finally over and they helped with setting up the house and the huge backyard. Quickly I had time to get ready for the birthday, threw on some high waisted denim jeans, navy blue long sleeve tucked in and my white vans.

"That goes along the kids tables!" I spoke as I stared at my friend Lana as she held onto the blue paper cups and plates. I ran back inside and made sure my brownies were burning in the oven, "shit." I mumbled as I rushed around the house. Quickly, I placed the brownies on dishes and then set them outside on the desert table.

In the backyard we had a bouncy castle and a popcorn machine, along with a candy stand. The backyard was large enough for a spinning tea cup ride that parents could go on with their kids.

All of Landon's classmates and friends were all invited, so that means plenty of children running wild and crazy.

"Y/N! The Catering food is here, just saw them outside parked! Where's my handsome grandson?" My dad spoke as he entered the house. I smiled and greeted my dad.

"He's in the back playing, I'll sort out the catering." I explained. The caterers entered my house and placed the food, and all the things I ordered onto the tables.

And then, people started arriving, yay. I greeted all the parents and their children, making sure they all were offered beverages. Even Chosen arrived with his wife and 2 sons!

"The presents table is outside!" I mentioned and smiled. My body span around quickly and I bumped into a guy.

"Oh I'm so sorry." I mumbled, I smiled and so did he.

"Landon's mom right? I'm Lia's father, Sean, I was wondering if you have spare top Lia could borrow? She was drinking juice and it spilled all over her." Sean replied and raised his brows. I agreed and chuckled.

"For sure, I'll go get her one of Landon's tops!" I replied. As I made my way back down the stairs and into the living room, I saw Sean holding Lia.
Sean placed Lia down and she smiled at me.

"You'll have to wear this ok cutie? Here let me help you." I explained, I helped her take off her wet top. With baby wipes I made sure she wasn't sticky from the juice.

"All better, now you can play and not worry about being sticky huh, make sure you go on the tea cups with your daddy or your mommy, those are really fun." I mumbled and smiled as I fixed Lia up.

"I don't have a mommy, just a dada." Lia replied and tilted her head slightly with a smile. Sean thanked me and so did Lia before running into the backyard to continue playing.

I stood up and held onto Lia's wet top. "I'll wash this, and then give it back before you and the princess leave." I mentioned, Sean smiled.

I'm pretty sure Lia and Landon are reading buddies at school, she tells me all about how Landon reads to her around Mat time." He mentioned, My smile appeared and Landon came running into the house with Lia.

"Mommy, c-can I have some water?" Landon asked politely, I reached for Landon's water bottle and handed it to him.

Sean carried Lia and swung her around, her cute giggles made me melt.

"Can I have a turn?" Landon asked Sean. Sean agreed to it and picked him up, my grin widened.

The door bell went off and I walked over to open it.

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