Mike° If only I said yes

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Summary: Y/N realising she lost Mike a long time ago.

-a requested imagine!
-199 part to this book! I'll make a second Imagine book? 🤠


My head hung low as I examined the gym floor. The soft swaying music made me think about how I didn't have a partner to dance with.

Slowly, I brought my head up and watched as Dustin danced with Nancy, Max with Lucas, Will and some girl I didn't even know went to this school, and finally, Mike with El.

I painfully gulped just watching him, it felt like I couldn't even breathe or swallow properly, I was hurt. I missed being Mike's girl. We weren't exactly boyfriend and girlfriend, but before Eleven came, we liked one another.

Mike smiling at Eleven made me shiver, I wanted someone to love me like that, or even smile at me like that.

My fingers nervously fiddled with the fabric of my dress. I continued to look down and silently cry, I wasn't strong enough to hold my tears back... I missed Mike. While wiping my tears I looked back at Eleven and Mike, suddenly both leaning towards each other. A kiss happened.

There was a gut wrenching feeling that happened while I watched Mike kiss El. It hurt so fucking much.

More tears had streamed freely, my breathing increased and I needed to get some air. I stood up and wiped my tears, as I looked down and headed towards the exit I bumped into someone.

"Sorry- Y/N?" I spoke, That familiar voice said my name and I looked up to see Steve.

"Why are you crying?" Steve mumbled and looked worried, I opened my mouth and was about to bawl out completely, but all I did was look down.

"What are you doing here..." I mumbled. Steve sniffled.

"Here to help Nance and Jonathan chaperone I guess, might as well since I have nothing to do. Why are you crying? Come on, tell me?" Steve mentioned, I nodded a no.

I took a step forward and pushed lightly past him but he stopped me.

"Dance with me. You can explain what's happened while we dance." Steve mumbled, I faced him and quickly wiped my tears. Steve reached for my hands.

Steve POV

I brought her to the dance floor, my head turned to see Nancy... She was with Dustin, dancing. Nancy had glanced my way and smiled at me lightly as I held Y/N.

I think I knew what she was sad about, no one to dance with? Or the loss of Mikes interest for her.

"I-I'm crying because... Seeing Mike happy with Eleven makes me feel like crap. I wanna feel happy, with Mike." Y/N whispered, I gulped and stared at her.

"It's hard seeing the one you love with another, right?" I whispered, Y/N agreed and gulped loudly.

"If only I said yes." She mumbled, I raised my brows as we swayed slowly.

"Yes? To what?" I asked clueless. Y/N inhaled and then looked down for a second, she then turned her head to face Mikes direction.

"The night, before we found Eleven. Mike asked me to the SnowBall, and I replied with, "I don't know yet", Steve, if I had said yes, then maybe he would be mine." Y/N muffled with tears streaming down,

I clenched my jaw and just focused my eyes onto her. I could hear the pain in her voice as she spoke,

"I-I should've said yes." Y/N whispered as she choked on her words, tears streaming down her cheek. I nodded a no and wrapped my arms around her, Y/N's head leaning into my chest.

"If only I said yes. I-it's so painful to see them t-together." Y/N cried, I felt her pain and rested my chin on top of her head as I hugged her.

I thought about Nancy and Jonathan. I understood Y/N.

"I regret falling for him, I don't want to like Mike." Y/N whispered, I calmed her down and rubbed her back.

"Shhh it'll be okay Y/N- Steve, I'm not her, I'm nothing like her." Y/N cried silently as she interrupted me. I gulped and faced Y/N,

"I'll take you home, if you need to go home- I don't want to go home, I want to feel okay. I want to feel happy. " Y/N whispered, I wiped her tears and nodded.

"Okay, here's the plan. Let's go for drive, we can get your favourite snacks and head down to the driving range? How about that?" I recommended with a smile.

Y/N chuckled and agreed, I smiled and hugged her again.


I told Steve I'd meet him in the car. I needed to use the bathroom and fix my cried off makeup.

"Hey, there you are! We're having a sleepover at Lucas' tonight after the snow ball, are you coming- No, I have to go, but have fun though!" I replied interrupting Max as she found me in the bathroom.

Max raised her brows.

"But we planned so many things for tonight." Max mentioned, I blinked and sniffled.

"Yeah, Sorry. I'll see you guys on Monday though- Wait so you aren't coming to Mikes on Sunday?" Max asked cutting me off.

I nodded a no. "Can't, I have family stuff." I replied. Max just nodded and I smiled,

"Well, I have to go Maxy. My rides waiting." I mumbled. As I walked out of the bathroom, I bumped into Mike.

"Woah, you look so tired. What happened to your face?" Mike asked referring to my face that no longer had make up and probably had dark circles from the make up.

"I cried it all off. Excuse me, I have to go." I mumbled and pushed past him. Mike ran in front of me, he stopped me and grabbed my wrist, pulling me back.

"Cried? What happened?- Mike it doesn't matter... Go have fun dancing with Eleven. I need to go." I replied and walked off.

Mike POV

My eyes watched as Y/N walked off. I turned my head to see the group staring at me, and then Max exited the bathroom.

"Do you know where Y/N's going?" I asked curious. Max shrugged her shoulders and sniffled.

"She said her ride was waiting on her." Max mumbled, I clenched my jaw and then decided to run towards the exit.

As I made it outside, I called out for my best friends name. I looked everywhere outside.

I heard a loud car engine and saw a car drive off out of the parking lot.

"Mike, come back inside." El's voice echoed from behind me. I turned around and stared at her, her smile made me warm. But, for some odd reason, something clicked...

I wasn't focused on Eleven. I needed to see Y/N.


The one that got away

-this was a request! (: 😩 I need an ImgInes book 2, ya'll want a part 2 book? Cause I got no more parts to add :,)

-thoughts on this Imagine?

Finn Wolfhard Imagines Where stories live. Discover now