Finn° City Boy vs City Tool

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Summary; Finn was your ex from a couple months back. You are now dating someone else and get forced to attend Calpurnia's show due to you being good friends with the Band.


I examined my outfit in the mirror, I had on denim ripped high waisted white jeans, a black champion crop sweater and my black vans.

"You excited to hear the band tonight?" My friend Avery spoke as she walked over while brushing her hair, I raised my brow and just agreed with a nod.

"I know it'll be weird because of you and Finns history , but just remember that you and Aiden are great... But you were better with Finn, Joking" Avery mentioned, I chuckled and just smiled. I threw my pillow at her and rolled my eyes. Aiden was coming with me and my friends tonight to support Calpurnia.
Knowing Ayla was awesome, she introduced me to so much great music, and then she introduced me to Finn... I will admit, our relationship was perfect, but it was too perfect and suddenly we lost interest in each other, he was too busy with work anyway.

"We ready to go?" Avery yelled, I snapped out of my thoughts and nodded in agreement. Aiden was parked outside of my house. Due to me and Aiden recently dating he knew that Finn use to be my crush, but he didn't know that Finn was my ex of 9 months... Did it matter? Should I have told him?

As Aiden drove to the venue I felt as his hand roamed my thigh, I was a little un-comfortable and pushed his hand away. I wasn't that handsy with him, we just haven't reached that far yet. He was the type of boy to follow trends, collect shoes and own Supreme gear.

"Aiden, why do you have so many hair products in the back seat?" Avery asked, I laughed and turned around to smirk at her.

" I keep them incase of hair disasters." Aiden replied, I rolled my eyes and just turned back to the front. My boyfriend is more feminine then I am, I didn't give two flying tucks about my hair, all I do is brush it, no products.

Finn POV

"Sound check. Mic 3 is working." I mentioned as I walked over to Malcom and Ayla, I placed the guitar strap over my head and started testing my guitar.

"Y/N, Avery and the rest of the gang are coming tonight." Ayla mentioned, I clenched my jaw
as Y/N's name was mentioned. I haven't seen her in a couple months due to my work schedule for "The Turning" "IT" and "Stranger Things".

"Y/N is bringing her jerk of a boyfriend 'Aiden'. Dude I swear he hates me, he gives me glares." Malcom mentioned, I chuckled and agreed with Malcom, I didn't like him. He wasn't good for her, he was a bad influence and could never treat her the way I did.

"DOORS OPENING IN 20!" Ryan my manager yelled out, I raised my brow and placed down my guitar. We all gathered back stage as the venue was about to open for the fans to come in, I was nervous, this wasn't my first show but it was a first time that
Y/N would watch me play live in the audience.


We made our way into the venue and fans noticed me, I hung out with a few and took some pictures.

"I'm so glad you still support Finn even after breaking up!" A fan mentioned, I nodded my head and replied with, "Of course!!". We stood up front with the rest of the gang that met us there, I felt as Aiden gripped onto my hand tightly. I blinked and looked around the venue, so many fans.

Suddenly the lights turned off, and the stage lights turned on. The sound of screaming fans appeared as the band walked onto the stage, I smiled at my friends on stage and then came in eye contact with Finn, I gave him a smile.

"So, we are going to start off this show with our first OG single City Boy! It's new and exclusive, hope you guys enjoy! " Finn yelled, I smacked my lips together. I haven't heard this song yet and was intrigued by the start of the song.

Suddenly the song started playing...

"Ow! I am a City Boy, You are a City Girl,
You date the City Tool, I am a City Fool. I am a City Boy...( Boy) City Boy... (Boy) 1234...!!"

I smirked during the song and watched as Finn kept eye contact with me and smiled while singing those lyrics, I chuckled lightly and felt as Aiden tightened his grip. I snapped out of my thoughts and turned to slowly face him,

"Why are you laughing?" He asked, I gulped.

"I can't laugh?" I asked back, he clenched his jaw and didn't say a word. I then turned my focus back onto Finn, just staring at him gave me flash backs to when we dated... I missed him. Aiden gripped my hand even harder this time and I squealed out of pain.

"Stop smiling at him." Aiden gritted through his teeth, I exhaled and frowned my brows.

Finn POV

As Ayla did her guitar solo I examined Y/N, she was smiling at me, then Aiden did something and changed her smile into frowned brows. I clenched my jaw and felt anger, he did or said something bad... I flared my nostrils and hated the shit out of him, what a tool.

I have to talk to Y/N.

-How was this? ❤️🌚

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