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Summary; You weren't famous or anything, you had no talent. You didn't think that you would even be chosen for this music video, but you did. Camila's music video for 'never be the same' needed a teenage girl, and it was you!

(Song provided is for the music video)


"Are you nervous?" Dad asked on the way to the location of the music video, I gulped pretty loudly and properly fixed myself in my seat.

"Yeah, this is my first time doing something like this... what if the outfit they choose doesn't fit me or suddenly a huge zit appears on my face." I complained worried.

My head turned to stare at dads expressions.

"Y/N, you will fit the clothes, that's why we sent in measurements prior. And you won't grow one magically." He re-assured me. I raised my brows.

"Dad you don't know the power of my skin." I replied. I stopped talking doe the rest of the ride, I was thinking too much.

"On the right. You have reached your destination." The gps spoke. Hearing that made me freak out and my breathing became heavier.

"Honey, calm down. I'll be watching you behind the camera, just relax." Dad spoke calming me down, I nodded my head and placed my inhaler back in my pocket, I didn't need it.

Finn POV

"So, your partner and Co-actress for the music video is not here yet. She will be soon." Ryan (director of music video) explained. I nodded my head slowly and sat still in my chair. Currently I was in the make up trailer just getting my hair re-curled for the music video.

"She's here!" Assistant director yelled, Ryan's smile went huge and he walked off, I gulped nervously and wondered who was my co-actress for the shoot... Did I know her? Have I already filmed with her? Clueless.

Ryan ran off to go collect her, while I finished my curls and stood up to go look at my first outfit for the shoot. The make up/costume trailer door swung open abruptly,

"Y/N L/N meet Finn Wolfhard, Finn this is Y/N." Ryan spoke as he stepped over, I smiled and examined this girl, she was gorgeous. I noticed she was nervous, her hands were shaking and kept playing with the fabric of her shirt.

"So, I'll see you guys soon. Y/N get ready and Finn, get to know her!" Ryan mentioned before walking out.

The stylist called her over to sit down so I followed and sat down next to her,

"You're nervous, it's okay to be nervous, soon the nerve will disappear and it'll just be fun!" I spoke smiling at her, she cracked a smile and raised my brow.

"I was nervous about the shoot. But now I'm nervous because of you." She replied, I raised my brows and chuckled.

"Me? What why?" I asked, she just gave me a look.

"Your Finn wolfhard, dude my friends would die to be in my place right now. Your a teen heart throb." She replied with a smirk, I rolled my eyes and just examined as the stylist started curling Y/N's hair.

We started getting to know each other and it was great, I'm glad they chose a girl who hadn't done this before. I realised that Y/N had the same humour as I did.

"Ryan NEEDS TO TALK TO YOU TWO." Assistant manager yelled as he popped his head into the trailer. Y/N giggled and we decided to make our way outside and to the actual set.


We saw Ryan and walked over to him.

"Okay, So are we ready for shooting?" Ryan asked, I nodded my head and looked around, my eyes caught the stare of Dad's. He was sitting near the concession stand eating, I laughed and then faced Ryan again.

"So the storyline that Camila wanted was a young love Romeo and Juliet type of story. Y/N your parents do not approve of Finn, there will be a scene in the music video where Finn sneaks you out of your room and you run off with him." Ryan explained, my wide eyes just glaring at Ryan.

"So basically Romeo and Juliet with out the dying part?" I asked, Finn raised his brow and stared at me.

"Yeah, no dying." Ryan mentioned, I sighed out of relief, I didn't want to try and die today.

We started doing the scenes and we were close to the last scene, I wish we had to do more, I didn't want this to end. And they were actually really fun. I had to do a lot of smiling and tbh they were all genuine, this wasn't acting. It felt right being with Finn, and I know that sounds so cheesy and weird because I've only known him for a couple hours now but it did.

The song helped, just hearing the song while acting and staring at his beautiful face made me fall in love. Omg Y/N shut up, this is why you can't be an actress... you'll just fall in love with any one.

Finn POV

I wasn't acting. My mind set wasn't about acting or a certain character, I felt like myself when I was with her. It came down to the last scene and Ryan explained that we had to slow dance, wow my specialty.

Y/N wrapped her arms around my neck and I placed my hands on her hips, we started swaying slowly.

"I had fun today." She whispered, I let out a huge smile and nodded my head,

"Same, I wish this music video was a 1 week shoot." I replied faintly, she smiled and looked down at our shoes.

"We haven't started shooting yet" Ryan yelled, I turned my head to stare at Ryan,

"We know, we're just practising." I yelled back, Y/N just giggled. Once we were shooting I felt as we both tighten our grips into each other, we didn't want this moment to end. I stared into her eyes and then looked down to her lips, I know I wasn't meant to kiss her in the scene, but I just had too.

I smashed my lips onto hers, I felt as she kissed me back. Magical.

"Okay, I guess the characters kiss at the end." Ryan mumbled.

"CUT, we're down! WHOOOOOOP." Ryan yelled, I pulled back and examined her blushing face.

"Just one hit of you and I'll know I'll never be the same." I whispered just quoting the song, she rolled her eyes and smiled.

"Whatever Finn." She replied, I interlocked our fingers and she winked at me.
Today was perfect.

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