Mike° I'm here (7)

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Summary; Read Previous parts!

-jealousy involved
-Song- Someone New-Banks

-enjoy 🤤💖

Mike POV

I walked around school just craving Y/N. I needed her attention... I missed having her around, but with Richie in the way, I couldn't express my feelings.
I'd sit in the cafeteria hurting, I'd watch as she smiled around that knuckle head. What was so good about him? He wasn't smart? He wasn't even funny.

"Mike?! Are you even listening?" Lucas spoke, I blinked and snapped out of my thoughts. I turned my head slowly and just faced the boys again.

"I was...I was just- Just staring at Richie and Y/N." Dustin interrupted, I nodded my head slowly and just gulped.

"Mike, buddy. You have to let it go." Dustin responded, the boys all agreed by nodding their heads. I clenched my jaw and then turned around to stare at the couple.

"I know, I'm starting to feel like I should just allow her to... fall for someone else, I just feel stupid because now that he's in the way, I-I can't express myself towards her properly." I explained to the three boys sitting at my table.

"We understand you, but hey, think about it like this... she probably felt the same way when El was around... She liked you around those times, I bet she felt like she couldn't express herself cause Eleven was around." Lucas mentioned, I looked down at my fiddling fingers and exhaled.

The boys were right, maybe I should just let her be? How am I going to move on? I don't want too...


I missed the boys, it was great hanging with Richie and his friends but I missed my other boys.

I laid in bed and just decided to use my walkie talkie.

"Boys... do you copy?" I spoke into the walkie. I waited a couple seconds and then finally....

"I'm here. I'm here too, yeah same, I can hear you." They all spoke after another, my grin went huge.

"All come and Bike too mine? Let's have a night swim!" I spoke. They all agreed and I couldn't wait, I missed having late night swims with the boys.

I told mom about the boys coming over and she approved.

"Do I need to bring out some snacks!?" Mom yelled, I placed my swim wear on quickly then yelled a 'yes please.'

I made my way downstairs into the lounge. Three knocks banged against the door so I ran towards the door.

"YOUR HERE AHHH!" I yelled when I saw my boys, I jumped into their arms and attacked them with squeezing hugs.

"We see you at school, Y/N." Will spoke with a smile, I shrugged my shoulders.

"Yeah, you see me. We don't hang out that much." I replied while we all walked into the lounge. Mike greeted my mom first then the boys followed after.

Once we made it out to the back I jumped in straight away, I examined as Mike smiled at me. I missed my best friend.

Mike POV

Lucas, Dustin and Will were back in the house just grabbing food and drinks while I stayed with Y/N in the jacuzzi part of the pool.

"Mike?" She asked, I turned to face her. My brows were raised.

"Yeah?" I replied, she looked down and then scooted closer towards me.

"We've drifted, and I hate that. I miss us..." she responded, I licked my lips and totally agreed.

"Yeah, I messed up. I said some things that shouldn't have been said. And then I kissed you when I shouldn't have. I just couldn't help myself, I realised that I loved you... and then when you started falling for someone that wasn't me, I felt so lost and lonely. I just want you to know I'm sorry, truly." I explained while staring at her.

I couldn't see well enough due to the darkness but it looked like she was crying...

I was going to talk some more when I felt her kiss me on the lips, I kissed back and held the back of her neck. Suddenly she pulled back.

"I-I- I'm sorry, I'm just confused at the moment, I don't why but I felt like kissing you." She whispered, I smiled and she smiled, suddenly the boys walked back out and she scooted away from me.

"Talk about this later." She mumbled.

-Sorry I've been slacking 😭❤️

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