Finn° Thrill |2|

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Summary: Read Previous parts👀

-Y/N will be possibly be a little
Older than Finn.

-I know IT was filmed when the boys were young but let's make them a little older :))))


"And, This is your room." I spoke as I pushed the door open to Finn's room. Finn winked at me and stepped inside.

"Is this where you tell me, 'Mi Casa Su Casa?' And then give me a wonderful house tour." Finn spoke and placed his luggage down. I faked a grin. 

"No, this is when I walk away and grieve about how I have to hang out with a bunch of losers." I explained, Finn raised his brows.

"Wow ouch, What an honour, already being called a loser. Wait, are you auditioning for the bully from IT? Henry Bowers?" Finn asked sarcastically , I lifted my hand and pulled the finger.

"You wish." I mumbled and walked off.

Finn POV

My bags were finally unpacked and I heard voices mumble from downstairs. My brows raised and I raced down the stairs to see the boys from my chemistry reads. Jack and Jaeden were here.

"Dudes, good to see you guys again. The others should be here soon." I spoke as I bro hugged them.
Jack looked around.

"Mr. Y/L/N's house is insane- So is his daughter
Y/N . I've been family friends with Mr. Y/L/N for a long time and let me give you a warning, Y/N is a snobby rich bitch. And she has to hang out with us, we need to make her feel normal, well according to Mr. Y/L/N." I explained.

Jaeden raised his brows and Owen walked over.

"Boys, let me show you to your rooms. Come to the elevator." Owen spoke, I rolled my eyes.

There was an elevator? I ran down all this way when there's a freaking elevator.


The rest finally arrived. I greeted the boys and Owen walked over to us.

"Ms. Lilis won't be arriving until tomorrow night, she's flying in from NY." Owen informed us. I gulped and faced the boys,

Wyatt, Chosen and Jeremy. I started explaining about what the whole plan was with Mr. Y/L/N's daughter Y/N.

As Owen showed the other three boys to their rooms I thought it was appropriate for the rest of the boys to meet Y/N after they placed their bags away.

I knocked on the 2 big white doors to her room that had the letter of her name on them. In gold.

"Wow, she's... Too much?." Chosen mentioned, I agreed and waited til the door opened.
"Her life style is too much." Jack whispered.

Y/N stood there and folded her arms once the door opened.

"What?" She spat. I turned to face the boys and then back at Y/N.

"These are the IT boys- Do I care?" She said cutting me off. My lips smacked together and I took a step forward.

"You'll care once I tell your dad." I whispered. Y/N rolled her eyes and gave the boys a smile.

"Okay, losers. Tell me your names." She replied back.

This girl was so rich and snobby that, she had her own car and didn't even have a proper license...


The boys introduced themselves and then went downstairs to get ready for Dinner.

I sat in my room just trying to do my nails. I heard a knock on my door and rolled my eyes as I saw Finn.

"Yes Wolfart?" I asked and smiled. Finn walked over and jumped onto my bed as he purposely messed up my nails.

"FINN?! WHAT THE HELL." I yelled angry, Finn laughed and stood up.

"Dinners ready. Come down." He spoke before walking off. I clenched my jaw and hated my life.

These boys were rowdy and annoying, just from what I could hear downstairs.

During the dinner the boys were bonding while I sat at the end of the table just alone.

"I say we make a re-make and add more funnier parts in." Wyatt spoke and laughed, they were talking about making funny YouTube videos and skits.

Dad started bonding with the boys and I rolled my eyes. Worse night ever. Dad then left to finish work in the guest house.

Finn glared at me as I sat here alone.

"How's that boyfriend of yours Y/N? Still a tool? Still a dick? Just like you?" Finn asked with a grin. Ouch.

I gulped and realised the group of boys were all staring at me. I sniffled and stood up, I then walked away.

My eyes watering. I choked on my tears and ran up to my room.

-HUAAAAA Y/N cries, She's human. Lmao.

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