Mike° I want something like that (9)

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Summary; Read other parts!! The friendship of Mike and Y/N had just ended.
- Y/N
This chapter will only be Y/N POV. Next chapter will be only Mike's!


These last few weeks was hell. I tried my best not to hang with my old group, I would occasionally talk to the girls and the other boys, just not Mike. They had no idea why I stopped hanging with them as much, I just explained that I had other friends that I really wanted to hang with, which I did. Jack and his group.

Yep. Mike and El were still together. It pained you to see that he still stuck with her, even though you screamed your heart out at him.

"Are you okay?" Jack's voice coo'ed, I snapped out of my thoughts and turned my head to see his signature smile.

"Yeah, sorry I stopped focusing. I can't believe this assignment is due soon." I mentioned and sat myself up on Jacks bed, he nodded his head.

"We're nearly done. I believe in us." He mentioned as he grinned. I smiled at him and nodded.

"Okay, yeah, Let's just believe in us!!! WHOOO" I yelled quite loud, he just laughed and gave me a weird look.

"You....are something else." He whispered, I clapped and stood up as I walked around his room.

"I sure am. Well. Can we stop working for a bit? I'm hungry?" I mentioned as I smiled at Jack. He stood up and we rushed down stairs into his kitchen just hoping that he had cookie dough left. We were in luck. As I took over and started preparing small balls of cookie dough on the baking tray, Jack just sat on the counter and stared at me.

"Did you date Mike Wheeler?" Jack asked out of nowhere, I raised my brow and gave him a 'what' look.

"Ugh. no why?" I asked back, Jack licked his lips and shrugged his shoulders.

"Well. You both use to look at each other like...you really loved each other, and you use to be like good friends. Now you're hanging with me and my friends, so I assumed you and him had a fall out." Jack explained, I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"We've never dated. He's always dated Jane Hopper or El. We use to be best friends." I explained just staring at Jack. Jack nodded his head and hopped off the counter.

"Now look what's happening, your now my best friend." Jack explained, I grinned so hard and rolled my eyes.

"Whatever, loser." I mentioned, he pretended to be butt hurt and placed a hand over his heart.

"How could you call me that? After what I've done for you?!?!" Jack yelled throughout the house, I placed the dough down and just started acting as if I didn't care.

"After all you've done? What have you done Jack?" I asked while trying not to laugh at him. Jack stood up straight and grinned, he slowly moved closer. I felt my cheeks become hot.

"Maybe not what I've done. But what I'll do now..." Jack spoke, I gulped and felt as he leaned in. Wow.

I pushed him back slowly. I inhaled and then exhaled.

"Sorry, Jack. Uh, I don't know how to feel. I like you, trust me. You've been amazing. I-I just don't think I'm ready." I mumbled, Jack agreed and smiled as he stepped back and leaned on the counter.

"That's okay, I can wait." He mentioned, as I grinned I blushed and just continued my cookie making. Is this me moving on? It better be.

- Next chapter will be Mike's! How will he feel? What has he been upto over the past weeks without Y/N? :,)

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