His Jealous thoughts ° F.M.R

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"What does Y/N even see in that guy? He has zero taste in music and has a random obsession with zombies... you can totally out beat him Finn, you just need to grab her full attention...Maybe you should write her a song?!"

"Ugh he's a complete jerk. Y/n doesn't even see through that, she just thinks he's cute and all this blah..blah..blah..blah..blah. Richie if this was a dick measuring contest you would win... also you'd win the girl."

"Mike, you need to calm down, you can't just bike over to Y/n and start explaining why you hate her recent crush, I know you like her but she needs to start liking you on her own terms...don't force it. But what if she'll never like me? What if I never get the chance to tell her I-I think she's really pretty?"

~~~~ should I do more like this? 💖

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