Finn° Be alright

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Summary: Y/N is the new Member of Calpurnia. (Short imagine)

-Calpurnia needed more female vocals.

Finn POV

My head turned to face the band, an exhale of air came out from my mouth.

"We ready? Once The little juniors hop off, we're on." I mumbled with raised brows. Ayla shook her head and so did Jack and Malcom,

"Y/N?" I whispered and faced her, she looked up at me and inhaled a deep breath in.

"I'm so nervous. I don't know if I can do this." She mumbled, Ayla rubbed her arm and I gestured for
Y/N to follow me. As me and Y/N had some alone time away from the band, I stared at her with worry.

"I know you're nervous, and I am too- Finn, you don't understand, no one likes me... When you announced that Calpurnia was going to have a new member, I had so much hate thrown my way. I got comments like "She'll ruin the band, she isn't even playing an instrument so why is she so important to join the band, and etc." Y/N explained interrupting me.

I licked my lips and nodded a no.

"You're important, the band knows that and I know that. That's all that matters... I need you, you'll be alright. I'll be next to you the whole time." I explained and reached for her hands, I felt as I interlocked our fingers...

Y/N gulped and looked down at our hands. She then turned her head and looked behind her as the crowd screamed louder,

"Finn, Y/N, we're on in 3 minutes." Malcom spoke as he poked his head behind one of the stage curtains. Y/N thanked him and turned to face me again. She looked down and frowned her brows.

"Hey, you'll be alright. I've got you." I whispered as I pulled her closer to me. My arms had wrapped around Y/N. As she pulled back, I pushed her hair out of the way and behind her ear, I then smiled.

"After the show, I'd like to have dinner with you. Just you... It doesn't have to be fancy or anything, just some takeout and some place alone." I mumbled, Y/N agreed and smirked at me.

"Y/N! FINN!" Jack yelled from behind the curtain, I gulped and felt as Y/N pulled me with her, I stopped her from walking off, she faced me with confusion.

"Finn, let's go, we need to get on stage no- I stopped her from talking as I pulled Y/N closer and interlocked our lips.

My hands had tightened my grip on her,

Suddenly we heard slow claps, the band stared at us both as they stood there.

"Finally." Ayla whispered, Y/N blushed and so did I.

"You can finish being in love later, we have people to entertain." Jack yelled out and smiled, I chuckled and faced Y/N.

"Calpurnia! Calpurnia!" The fans screamed over and over. The crowd was getting louder.

"Ready now?" I whispered, Y/N lightly nodded.

-wowie :)

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