Finn° good one

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Summary; You notice that Finn's back at school and your friends force you to talk to him.


"He's here today, it's because he's back from LA. Calpurnia had a show." Lana spoke. I held onto my backpack straps and continued to walk as we walked down the school halls.

"Y/N, if you like him, why don't you just ask him out to lunch?" Jesse mentioned up and the winked.

I nodded a no and flung my arms up in the air,

"No, No, No way. He is Finn Wolfhard, he probably has tons of girls asking him, also, he will reject me. I mean, have you looked at me." I replied and then pointed up and down my body.

Lana rolled her eyes and scoffed.

"You are freaking gorgeous, You have the football team falling for you- But, their not like Finn, Finn probably doesn't like girls like me." I replied and then gulped.

My arms folded. I spotted Finn at the end of the hall at his locker.

"Finn must be tired from filming and travelling, he needs a break." I mumbled as I looked his way, I noticed how run down he looked, Lana agreed and then smirked at me.

"If he needs a break, then help him." Lana replied and winked, I cringed and rolled my eyes.

We started walking down the hall because we needed to head to the cafeteria.

I gulped and looked down at my shoes as I walked, suddenly I felt as Jesse and Lana pushed me towards Finn and then ran off.

I bumped into him and took a few steps back as I raised my hands,

"Dude, I'm so sorry." I mumbled nervously, Finn smirked and looked up at me.

"It's okay Y/N." Finn mumbled, my eyes went wide... He knows my name.

"Y-you know my name?" I mumbled and then placed my hands down. Finn closed his locker and then leaned against it, his smile made me weak.

"Yeah, I've been in your English class for like 4 years, of course I know your name." Finn replied, I grinned and raised my brows.

"Okay, but you don't ever talk to me in class so I wouldn't know if you actually knew who I was- Y/N, you're like well known around school, you're cheer captain and an a honour student. I know more about you then you think I would." Finn replied with a grin.

I placed my hands onto my hips, "Sounds like you're a fan of me." I replied,

Finn then gave me a head nod to follow him down the hall, so I did.

"Maybe I am a fan of yours... I crushed hard on you when you were elected as New Cheer Captain." Finn replied as we walked, my heart skipped beats.

"Shit my crush use to like me." I mumbled out loud as I looked down at our walking feet.

I then realised Finn heard me and what I mumbled, he knows I'm crushing on him... Shit.

I held my hand over my mouth and face palmed myself,
"Good one Y/N." I whispered as I blushed nervously. Ugh I was so bad with word vomit.

Finn chuckled and slid his hands into his pockets.
We reached the outside part of the cafeteria and Finn licked his lips.

"We have English last period, do you want to sit with me? I'm sure Simon wouldn't mind if you take his seat for an hour." Finn asked with raised brows.

I snorted and laughed, and then realised he was serious.

I shook my head in agreement.
"oh yeah, no, I'd love to sit next to you." I replied to Finn nervously.

Finn's smirk killed me. Finn then leaned forward.

"Also, no one said I never stopped having a crush on you." Finn whispered, I gulped and blushed.
I watched as he then walked off into the cafeteria with a smirk.

I became all sweaty. Did he really just say that? Oh my god.

-this was requested ;)))

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