Finn° You wanted her

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Summary: Finn and you during a party.
Song: Friends Chase Atlantic / Bathroom style. Better to listen too with headphones/Earphones

Finn will be 16-17 in this imagine. Well imagine whatever age you want. Your choice, you choose.


I examined the intoxicated Finn and watched as he stumbled around. Ever since the break up between us he's been drinking his sadness and anger away... What was he doing at this party anyway? It was his brother Nicks birthday, and instead of celebrating his brothers birthday he's here getting drunk and hitting on girls he doesn't even know.

"Jack why would you invite him to your party? You know he'll just drink and drink, look at him... he's a mess." I explained as I stared at Jack D G.

Jack shrugged and just continued drinking while dancing with girls and Chosen. I huffed and rolled my eyes, I took initiative and made my way towards the drunk Finn.

My hand had gripped onto is arm and turned him around,

"Woah, look w-who wants me now. You finally come running back to me- Save it Finn. You shouldn't be here, you need to go home." I responded as I interrupted his slurred sentence.

He then held his hand over his mouth, oh no. He gagged but he didn't puke up anything. I groaned out of frustration and dragged him into Jack's down stairs bathroom. Locking the door behind me, I then turned around to examine Finn. As I closed the door the music faded away and it blasted behind the walls.

"Ouu she's kinky. Hey, you can wait your turn boo... I was going to fuck one of the girls I was dancing with but hey, you are my ex so, you get f-first dibs. Am I right?" Finn said disgustingly. I nodded a no and folded my arms. He slightly chuckled and pushed his curly hair back. And then he puked everywhere on the bathroom floor.

"You're so stupid. Look at how much of a mess you are... Missing out on your brothers birthday, and for what? Drinking and having sex with random girls?" I scoffed as I glared at him.

Finn wiped his mouth and stood up slowly, he leaned against the bathroom sink. His brown eyes glaring at me.

"I drink and do this, because you left me. - FINN, I LEFT YOU BECAUSE YOU, YEAH YOU, YOU CHEATED ON ME.. YOU WANTED HER INSTEAD... " I yelled back with tears formed. Finn didn't say a word and sipped from his beer bottle again, I closed my eyes and couldn't handle him.

"You know what, you're not my boyfriend. You're not my responsibility. Go have fun fucking other girls, you clearly like it a lot and did it behind my back. I hope one day your fans see who you really are, asshole." I spat then turned around.

I felt as Finn grabbed my hand but I jerked away and didn't care if he cried. It was his fault.

-How was this?

Finn Wolfhard Imagines Where stories live. Discover now