Mike° Catch 🌸

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Summary: You become friends with Mike Wheeler!!

-imma do a nice M.W imagine cause the recent ones of Mike are dark imagines and we need a change


I rolled my eyes as I walked with my friends over to the bleachers.

"I can't believe Mr.Clarke is making me do this extra science work, I don't have time to do it." I mumbled towards my friends.

Cassie just laughed and placed her Pom poms down,
"It'll be easy, all you have to do is write a report about Microbiology." Cassie mentioned, I groaned and placed my hands on my hips.

"Anyway, I'm glad cheer practise is over. Also glad we had practise outside on the field, I'm hot and sweaty. Oh! You guys excited about prom night on Friday?" Jess mentioned smiling, I shrugged my shoulders. I wasn't too excited, it was just an event for teens to be dancing in a hall. Fun right.

Our Cheer coach then yelled out Cassie and Jess' names. I groaned just thinking about the damn report, I took a seat on the bleachers.

"I can write your report for you." A voice cooed, I jumped and was scared to death.
I turned around and saw Mike Wheeler, Nancy's brother. He was on the top bleacher smiling at me.

I stood up and raised my brows,

"What's the catch? What do you want from me?" I asked curious, Mike shrugged his shoulders and sniffled.

"Nothing, I'm just trying to be nice- There has to be a catch, what do you want from me?" I asked interrupting him.

Mike smiled and nodded a no.

"No catch. I just, don't have any homework, and doing your report gives me something to do on Friday night." Mike responded, I gulped.

"You're not going to prom?" I asked as Mike started walking down the bleachers. He nodded a no.

I smiled at him. "here's a better idea. You help me on Friday night? You help me write it.. I can't have you write it for me. You sound too smart." I replied sliming, Mike grinned.

"You're willing to ditch prom and study with me?" Mike asked, I smiled and nodded in agreement.

"I'd rather spend a Friday night with you, rather than being in a school hall with sweaty boys who can't keep their hands off girls. And if you have nothing to do, then I guess I'll come over and change that for you." I mentioned.

Mike stayed quiet. I realised that the last part of my sentence was a little wrong. He chuckled and placed his hands in his pockets.

"My house at 6pm." Mike mentioned, I grinned.

"Grool." I replied, suddenly Steve called for me from across the football field.

"See you around Wheeler." I replied before running off.

-lmao enjoy this

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