Finn ° Believe me (insecure)

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Summary; You become insecure quite easily and hate your body, you wonder why Finn even likes you.

Finn POV

Tonight was my premier for my new horror film "The Turning". I was in my hotel room just relaxing before I should get ready, I called out for Y/n but she didn't respond.

I stood up and decided to go look for her in the hotel room.

I then examined her in the bathroom staring at herself in the mirror, my brows raised.

"What are you doing?" I asked then walked over by the door, I leaned against the door frame with folded arms. Y/n sighed and poked her stomach,

"I look, uh disgusting." She mumbled out, I gave her a look of dis-agreement,

"You look beautiful, you always do- Finn you don't have to lie, I- I don't even understand why you wanted to date me... there's so many pretty, skinny, non-Pimple faced girls, and you chose me?! Ugh." She explained interrupting me. I genuinely felt hurt, I didn't want her thinking like that.

"I'm not lying. I asked you out for a reason babe. You are beautiful to me, I don't know why you can't see that? You could wear a paper bag over your head and I could care less. I love you for you, believe me. Don't say shit like this please." I explained while walking up to her, my arms wrapped around her waist while I leaned my chin on her shoulder, I smiled at how cute she was when she grinned back.

"Believe me, you're all I want." I mumbled.

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