Finn° Greyhound

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Summary: Finn coming back home to find out that you've moved away.

Finn POV

It was great being back home in Canada, but, I found out she had moved away. The day I came back and asked about her, they had told me she left. I grabbed my skateboard and raced down to her house, no one opened up. My feet stumbled back and examined her window upstairs, no light, no nothing, no one was home.

The girl I loved and let go, had finally left me. I didn't think it would come to this.

Hearing the words "she moved away 2 months ago" had killed me. It was my fault, all my fault, I feel depressed, out of whack and in my own world.

Skateboarding home made me think about what happened between us before I left to go film for Stranger Things.
The night before my flight we had a massive fight about if we really loved each other, things got out of control and we both distanced ourselves as the months passed.

Y/N didn't reply to my calls, texts, nothing. Now she's out of my life and I feel like I've lost my way. No where to turn, no where to be comforted.

Im definite that Y/N is my first love, and it aches me to think she'd leave unnoticed. As I skated around, the surroundings reminded me of her, the days we'd walk hand in hand together, the nights we skated together just running wild and free.

I looked up and saw the big parking lot where me and Y/N use to watch sunsets, the top level is where we loved it the most. As I made my way up there, I felt my tears stream freely...

Each step I took up the stairs felt like my heart shattered. I reached the top and examined the purple pink sky, "Hats off to you." I mumbled just thinking about Y/N. The girl I loved.

My hands in my pockets and my eyes glancing over the city view, my feet near the edge of the building.

As I looked down, I could see the greyhound... A way of transport outta this city. I gulped and exhaled,

If Y/N left for another city, I hope she didn't leave me for a city tool.


I felt as my phone vibrated.

It was Ayla.

To: Y/N
From: Ayla

Finn's been asking about you for the past 3 days. Come back, at least for our show tonight. It would mean the world to him.

My eyes blinked and I placed my phone down.

Should I see Finn?
Do I want too?
Does he love me?
Who knows.
Do you love him still?
Of course.

-I love this so much. This imagine kills me :(:

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