Mike° I want something like that (10)

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Summary; Read other parts! Y/N and Jack had kissed.

-this is Mike's chapter. Last chapter was only Y/N POV

Mike POV

I've been struggling with my anger lately, everything has just been going wrong ever since that event. My grades were dropping again, and me and El weren't working as well. I've decided to finally end it with her. I sat there still and focused on what I was going to say to her, while I focused, El just kept talking about her class with Will.

I turned to face her.

"El. I need to tell you something important." I mentioned, she looked worried.

"Important?" She whispered, I nodded in agreement and just gulped, I looked down at our hands.

"I have feelings for someone else. Look, I like you El, b-but it's not the same, and it doesn't feel right anymore. We've just been fighting too much." I explained, she nodded a no and gulped.

"Who do you have feelings for?" She whispered, I licked my lips and thought about Y/N.

Before actually speaking El interrupted me.

"Is it Y/N? I see the way you look at her..." El mentioned, I blinked and just nodded my head. El exhaled and I kept apologising.

"Don't be angry with Y/N- I'm not, I'm just, hurt that you stayed with me knowing you didn't love me back." El replied. She then stood up and grabbed her bag.

"I have to go. I'll see you around." She responded, I gripped onto my hair frustrated. I laid back onto my bed and groaned. After a few minutes I made my way down stairs and into the basement. I needed to relax. I grabbed my walkie and decided to try contact
Y/N for the millionth time. I just wanted to talk and be friends again.

"Y/N, are you on this channel? Over" I spoke, I then waited a few seconds.

"Nope, only Dustin here." Dustin replied, I clenched my jaw and just sighed. Slowly I closed my eyes.

I just flash backed to the day where we cuddled, I smiled to myself and missed her so much. I remember before leaving Y/N to see El, I kissed her. I just wanted Y/N to know that I can't move on, It's so difficult. All I wanted was her.

(Few hours later )

Tonight was a D&D night so the boys were all over.

"I feel like I haven't talked to Y/N in forever." Will mentioned, I clenched my jaw and looked at all the boys.

"Well she has her new group. So, we actually haven't seen her in while or talked to her in a while." Lucas explained, I just stayed quite while they talked about her. As they continued to talk about her I just wanted to tell them how I felt.

"Guys, I love Y/N."I blurred out. They all faced me and was super confused.

"Aren't you dating El- No, we broke up earlier. I can't get over Y/N." I interrupted Dustin from his sentence. All their jaws dropped.

"Does Y/N feel the same way back?" Lucas asked, I nodded my head and just rubbed the back of my neck.

"Yeah, but right now everything is complicated between us. A couple weeks back, we tried to focus on us and then she found out El kissed me, Thanks to you Lucas. We then had a huge fight and ended our friendship, she hasn't talked to me since then. That's why she's been distancing herself." I explained, the boys all nodded their heads.

"If you still feel for her, then continue to tell her. Standing back and not doing anything isn't what she wants. Even though she ended things, every girl wants their crush fighting for them. So you have to fight." Dustin explained, I licked my lips and understood what he was explaining.

"Yeah, If I was you. I would go see her now." Will spoke with raised brows, I blinked and stared at my boys.

"I'll be back." I said as I stood up and ran up my basement stairs. It was already 6pm and the night skies were out, the cold wind came in contact with my skin as I biked to her house.

I parked my bike. Waiting outside of her door hoping she would be the one to open it, I kept knocking and knocking.

"Mike?" Her voice coo'ed from behind me. I turned around to see her standing at the top of her driveway, I assumed she was walking home.

"Mike, what are you doing here." She spoke gently, I frowned my brows and made my way towards her. As I walked towards her I placed my right hand on her cheek and  kissed her, my left hand then followed to snake around her waist. She didn't push me back.

I slowly pulled apart. And her eyes were closed still.

"I want you to know that I am still in love with you. And I'm going to do whatever it takes to be with you, I want to wait for you." I whispered, she leaned her forehead onto mine and just stared at me.

"I missed you." She mumbled, I grinned and held her closer towards me.

"I missed you too chicken butt." I replied just glad I had her in my arms.


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