Mike° I want something like that (4)

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Summary; Read Previous parts 💖

Mike POV

"Mike.. Mike get up, school time." I heard a voice mumble. I clenched my jaw and sat up. I remembered I was at Y/N's house.

"What time is it?" I asked with a morning voice, Y/N sniffled and checked her watch.

"It's 7:12 am. Get dressed and then we can eat." She explained then stood up, I groaned out of tiredness and remembered last nights talk. Standing up I stretched and was about to say something but she turned around, she gave me a vibe that she didn't even want to talk to me...

"Don't do this." I spoke, she stood still and turned around slowly.

"I can't help it Mike, You know I like you and it's hard for me. I have to witness you and El and I know that shouldn't even be a problem because I adore you two. I-I just wish I didn't like you, It'd be easier for the both of us." She explained as she brought her hands up to her forehead, I could hear the pain in her voice.

I stepped forward and wanted to hug her but she jerked away.

"Mike, no hugs. Please." She whispered, I nodded in agreement and watched as she walked off up stairs.

My eyes rolled and my hands had gripped onto my hair. I was frustrated, I'm re-gaining my feelings for Y/N again.


School was tiring me out... my feelings were tiring me out. I hated seeing them together but also were happy for them. I sat there in science class just watching them laugh and enjoy each other's presence.

"The best thing about science, is when my partner listens to me." Jack spoke sarcastically, I snapped out of my thoughts and turned to my science partner Jack.

"I'm sorry. I'm focused now." I mentioned and stared at him, Jack just chuckled.

"You have pen marks on your face, how'd you even get those?" He asked, My brows frowned and I started laughing.

"Oh Man. I am a mess- Let me help you." Jack said interrupting me, I watched as he took out a hanky chief from his pocket and dipped it in some of the clean tanked water on our table.

"I've got you." He responded, I felt as he started wiping off the pen marks, I smiled to myself and for a second... he made me forget about Mike.

- I know this was short 🤕❤️ but should I even continue this? 😭 I feel like it's terrible

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