Finn° Forbidden Summer |2|

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Summary: Read Previous parts

Finn POV

Y/N moved in front of me, I felt as Y/N held me back.

"Finn stop." She mumbled, I clenched my jaw and faced Jake as he walked over with his gang.

"Y/N, go run to mom and dad. I need to handle this idio- Jake, NO! You're not doing anything to him... I love him." Y/N explained, Jake scoffed and nodded a no.

I stepped forward and felt as his friends held me back and held onto me, Y/N screamed for me.

"I, love your sister, leave her out of this, and let's get this over and done with." I spoke with gritted teeth. Y/N nodded a no and faced me.

"Jake stop. Don't do this. Listen to me." Y/N yelled as she in between me and Jake.

Jake shoved her out of the way which got me passed, I untangled from his friends grip and pushed Jake.

"Come on, hit me." I yelled as I continued to push him, Jake groaned and then Y/N ran in between me and him.


I continued to cry, I was so scared.

"Jake, don't hurt him please." I cried, Jake nodded a no.

"Don't hate him because of what his father did with our mother. Our Mother knew what she was doing, she knew she was betraying daddy. Just because our parents hate each other, doesn't mean we should hate Nick and Finn. Please." I begged.

Jake stayed quiet. I blinked and exhaled a breath.

"This shit head's dad, got our mother pregnant
Y/N! Finn's a disgrace like his dad." Jake yelled as he pushed me out of the way. Finn was still held down.

I stumbled back and then felt as Jake's friends held onto me, I tried wriggling from their grip but they were too strong.
I nodded a no as I watched Jake punch Finn into the gut.

My crying and screams weren't loud enough, the football game noises were louder then what was happening all the way down at the parking lot.

"Stop hurting him, please." I cried as I saw Finn kneel down, he was bleeding and hurt.

"STOP IT, YOU'll kill him." I yelled choking onto my tears, my eyes glancing at Finn...

As he was on his knee's, Finn looked up at me and the pain on his face explained all too much.

His bloody face.
"You don't deserve my sister you worthless shit." Jake yelled.

Jake had punched Finn again, I screamed my lungs out.
Jake suddenly pulled out a switch blade.

"NO, God. Please, he doesn't deserve to die. Jake please." I cried while I dropped to my knee's. The grip onto me was still strong.

Finn spat out his blood, he looked up slowly, he smiled at me and mouthed "I love you."

My heart dropped and I tried to untangle myself .

"LET ME GO. Please let me go." I shouted. My bottom lip quivered and I began to shake.

"Finn, I love you, I love you so much." I yelled out, Jake stared at me. He smirked and then moved towards Finn.

My brother, stabbed Finn. Jake pulled out the switch blade and then wiped the blood off with his shirt.

I broke down. Jake then walked off with his posse. I ran to Finn's side and held him into my arms.

I closed my eyes shut. I then held my hands over his wound.

"There's so much blood. I'm gonna call for help." I cried, Finn looked up at me. Those brown eyes gave me a look of comfort.

I held the phone to my ear after I dial'd  911.

After alerting the Paramedics, I tried to keep him awake.

"I love you so much, come on, stay awake Finn." I whispered and held onto his wound.

Finn's smirk wouldn't leave his face,

"I, can see, our summer nights we had together, they were prefect." He mumbled.

I cried and smiled with pain, "they were perfect, we can have more... I promise, just stay with me, promise you'll stay with me." I mumbled.

Finn sniffled and reached for my hands, our hands connected and I broke down.

"I promise to be with you, I can't promise I can stay, I love you.." Finn whispered slowly as his breaths became faint, I nodded a no.

My hands held tighter onto his wound and I tried to keep him awake. He was losing so much blood.

My tears continued to stream, I faced Finn, no movement.

My head buried into his chest. My love has left me.

I watched him die in front of me.

-I cried.

-also, My name isnt. @Finnsbarmitzvah anymore,

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