Finn° Forbidden Summer

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Summary: You and Finn kept your summer romance a secret, you didn't want your friends or family knowing you and Finn had a thing.


"Why are we even here? I don't want to be at this stupid varsity football game." I complained as I sat down on the bleachers.

Rose turned to face me. "Y/N, you love our school games, dude we get to watch the hot, sexy football players, and Chase looks so cute." Rose explained as she drooled over the team and the quarter back Chase.

I grinned and just rolled my eyes. I didn't want the football team or any other guy.

Just one guy.

"Isn't your brother here with your parents anyway?" Rose asked, I shook my head in agreement and told her i didn't know where they were.

I inhaled and then exhaled as I looked around.

"Did you guys know that Finn Wolfhard is back from filming in ATL. He spent his summer here I heard." Jessica mentioned, I licked my lips and sat up.

I faked my reaction.

"Oh really?" I replied. Jessica shook her head and faced me.

"Yeah, Simon told me that Finn had his summer here, which is great, it's always good to have him back home." Jessica explained I agreed.

"I know your parents dislike Finn's parents and all but, don't you still agree he's cute?" Rose mentioned while staring at me.

My brows raised and shrugged.

"He's a good boy- I mean good looking boy." I spoke mumbling on my words.

Both girls turned their heads backs to watch the game, I scoffed and looked down at my fingers. I thought about the secret summer I had with Finn.

~Flash back~

"Are you seriously going to ask me to jump out of my 2 story house like it's nothing? Finn, I'm scared of heights." I spoke nervously as I stared at him, he was in my backyard and asking me to jump out of my window.

Finn looked up and lifted up his hands.

"Come on, once you jump, We can go!" Finn mumbled with a cute smirk.

I scoffed and exhaled a shaky breath as I nervously looked down from my bedroom window.

"I'll catch you- Finn shut up, I'll break your ass." I replied cutting him off. He chuckled and then I jumped.

With the lords help, Once I jumped and landed, I didn't break anything. Just ground shock.

"Woah, I got you." Finn whispered a he helped me up. I thanked him and smiled, I felt as his hands intertwined with mine, instant butterflies.

"Now let's go, before your crazy parents wake up. They hate my blood." Finn replied and rolled his eyes. I giggled and felt as he tightened his grip onto my hand, his thumb rubbing my hand softly.

This was love.

~End of flashback~

I looked up and smiled. Thinking about Finn overwhelmed me.

"Are you even watching the game Y/N?" Rose asked me, I shook the thoughts outta my head and looked at the game as she nudged my arm...

And then, right across from me. On the other side of the bleachers...

It was Him.

We locked eyes, I smiled slightly and felt a warmth feeling.

Finn did a head nod. I knew what he meant, he wanted to see me.

I then pointed at my phone, so he could text me.

To: Y/N
From: Finn W

Meet me in the parking lot. I wanna see you baby.

I nervously stared at the text and then locked my phone.

"I'll be back, need to... I need to get a pretzel." I mentioned as I stood up and decided to leave the bleachers.

I ran all the way down and headed towards the parking lot.

The cool breeze of the night woke me up properly, I felt as hands pulled me aside.

"Hey" Finn spoke smiling as he pulled me, I grinned and felt as he wrapped his arms around me.

"I missed you. Like a lot." I whispered, Finn bit his lip and agreed to my comment.
He placed his thumb onto my chin and lifted it up so he could kiss me, I felt his gentle lips against mine... Wow.

I smiled during the kiss and pulled back. Finn then attacked me with Kisses and I continued to giggle,

"I need to see you again. I want a whole night with you." Finn whispered gently. I agreed.

"I could hold you in my arms forever, and tell you how much I love you." Finn whispered while staring at me.

Those brown eyes were so beautiful. I felt as Finn pulled me closer,

"If only 'they' knew how much I loved you... We wouldn't have to hide it." I whispered.
Finn sniffled and shook his head slowly.

This boy meant everything to me.

"They don't know about us. I love you." Finn replied. I was about to reply and then... I heard my name.

"Y/N?" A voice murmured. I nervously turned around and saw my older brother with his group of idiots staring at me and Finn.

"What are you doing with this loser? What did mom and dad say about the Wolfhard's- Jake, don't hurt him." I spoke as I cut Jake off.

Jake looked angry. Him and his group charged towards us.

I felt as Finn stood in front of me, but then I moved in front.

"Let me handle this." I mumbled to Finn.

-here ya go m8's

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