Tyler° The Boy and Girl next door 🚪💗

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Summary: You were the Girl next door, who fell in love with the boy next door...


I continued to run. To run home.
These damn heels were slowing me down, the cold air had sent goosebumps onto my skin and a shiver down my spine.

I shouldn't have gone to that stupid dance.

I watched my best friend kiss another girl tonight, he kissed her with passion and it hurt me... A couple days ago, I told him I loved him. He told me he would think about us.

My tears escaped and my breathing increased, immensely.

The sound of motorcycle engine became more distinct. Quickly making my way towards my house I needed to get inside, I wanted to cry and grieve. I wasn't okay.

"Y/N, stop running. Talk to me." A voice echoed.

I stopped in my tracks and exhaled a breath. The sound of Tyler's voice made me want to cry even harder.

Slowly I turned around and examined Tyler standing there, at the end of my driveway, he had tears and looked reckless, his sorrowful eyes made contact with mine.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled, I blinked my tears out and took a step closer towards him.

"Sorry? You're sorry? You hurt me Tyler. I just want to know if you love me or not?" I asked as I whispered the last part. Tyler's brows frowned and he stepped closer.

"Of course I love you- But just as a friend? Right?" I asked interrupting him. Tyler stayed quiet. My lips smacked together and I could feel the pain, my chest felt heavy and so did my heart.

"You can't even tell me you love me back, but it's so easy for you to just, to just kiss a girl you hardly know. I've known you since we were four. The other day I confessed my feelings towards you." I explained crying, Tyler stepped forward and reached for my hand but I backed away.

"Y/N. Y-your all I want. And I mean it when I say I love you, and the timing is wrong. Y/N you deserve better than me... Y/N, you're too perfect for me." Tyler explained.

I stood there not wanting to say anything. My eyes blinked and Tyler tried hugging me but I pushed him back.

This was inspired by Riverdale kinda lmao
-this was requested❤️

Finn Wolfhard Imagines Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora