Finn° Who?

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Summary; New girl meets Finn Wolfhard, she tried her best to understand the fella's feelings and thoughts...


It was my 5th day of school and I wasn't so stoked... I mean, I like my school and I have no beef with anyone, I was just hoping that it would be more exciting. As I walked towards the front of the school I looked down at my ugly black school shoes, I cringed and just wondered why mom had to make me attend this private school.

"Y/N!!" My friend Sue yelled. I turned my head to my right to see her walking towards me ehhh a huge grin.

"You excited for first period? CAUSE I AM!! " She yelled, I raised my brow and shrugged my shoulders.

"I guess? I mean, science isn't the best, you even said so yourself yester- No, it's not cause I like science." She said interrupting me. I looked ahead of me and saw a huge group of girls screaming and smiling, well.... Fan girling.

"Why are those girls so excited?... wait are you just as excited as they are?" I asked while staring at Sue. She nodded and stopped me in my tracks.

"ITS CAUSE FINN'S BACK FROM FILMING!" She yelled subtle. I raised a brow.

"Who? Remember I've only been here for 5 days I don't know much peop- You don't even need to attend this school to know who Finn Wolfhard is.." Sue spoke interrupting me. I still had no clue.

Being clueless on what was going on, on the way to science class Sue showed me this Finn dude.

"Oh, he's on that show... Yeah, I've heard of it, never watched it." I replied as we entered the class. There he was, I saw the presence of Finn... Yeah, it was normal. As we walked to the back of the class I examined as Sue gave Finn a flirty wave, and how most of the girls in the class were all chatting and blushing by the looks of it.

Slowly sitting my tooshie down in my chair I stared at the back of this Finn's kid head, wow his hair was amazingly beautiful. I noticed he was good friends with Simon due to them sitting next to each other and chatting... Oh man. Simon and Sue were my only good friends so far... which means, if Simon talks to me, he'll introduce me to Finn. Wait, why am I getting nervous? Is this what being a fan girl feels like? Sweaty palms, uncontrollable breathing due to a guy? shit. I calmed myself down and focused on Sue, she had told me about her crush on Finn and that she never had the guts to ask him out.

I licked my lips and just sat there waiting on our stupid substitute teacher who was supposedly running late. Then the worse came, Simon turned around, followed by Finn.

Finn POV

I took a sip of my water and missed school in a way. I was only going to be in school for this week.

"Oh, Finn. Meet the new girl, she's funny, like in our kind of humor." Simon whispered, I watched as Simon turned around and faced the table behind us, I followed around and examined 'her', she was sitting next to Sue.

"Y/N, meet Finn. Finn meet Y/N. I assume, Y/N, that you know who Finn Wolf- Actually I didn't, not until Sue showed me his work this morning." Y/N responded just smiling, I grinned to myself. Damn, she is... different, not like the other girls who attend this school.

"I don't mean to sound harsh, sorry if I came off rude of anything. What I watched earlier was great, your acting is sick!" She rambled, I licked my lips and gripped onto my water bottle as I thanked her.

I raised my brow and examined her good doodles and drawings on her science book. Then I noticed her hand writing.

"Your hand writing looks the same as mine." I mumbled randomly, Simon just glared at me weirdly and I just shook my head.

"Sorry, that was random." I replied, she giggled. Suddenly the substitute walked in, he looked like a wreck and had a full box of doughnuts in his other hand.

"He's late because of the Doughnuts, I bet." Sue mumbled, Simon laughed and Y/N just smiled at me.

"Dough-nut be late for school, or you can sprint-s-s-sprinkle away." She said terribly, I held in my laughter and liked her dry and stupid humor. I reached towards her with a fist bump, she gave me one back.

I turned around and looked at Simon.

"I want her to be my partner for the practical today- Finn, You are my best friend, I get to be your partner." Simon replied, I raised my brow.

"C'mon dude, help me out. I like her, she's rad." I whispered trying to make sure she couldn't hear. Simon hesitated but finally agreed.

"Fine." He whispered. I nearly clapped out of excitement, I turned around and faced Y/N.

"I'm choosing you to be my practical partner, if you don't mind." I explained, Y/N agreed with a head nod.


Sue and Simon paired up due to Finn wanting to be my partner, I was honoured. He joined me at the back,

"So we add the saline to the tube?" Finn asked, I nodded my head in agreement and watched as he poured in the saline.

"Dude that's way too much?!" I spoke smiling just watching him pour over the amount line needed. He started laughing and faced palmed himself. I grabbed the tube and felt as we came in contact. Slowly I grabbed the tube from his hands and smiled raising my brow.

"Watch the pro, you cant pass the amount needed line ok Finn?" I mentioned, he nodded in agreement and watched as I did it perfectly. As we finished the practical work we realised we were the first ones to complete the class task.

"Those girls, aka your fans have been staring at us for a whole 15 minutes." I mentioned as I stared at the girls across the room. Finn raised a brow and turned around.

"Is it hard going to school and being bombarded by girls and ect?" I asked, Finn nodded and shrugged his shoulders.

"Well, it use to be hard. Now it's just kind of annoying, I get followed around school and I can't really talk to much people. Look, I'm not even that interesting, just an average 15 year old. I don't like how kids here treat me differently. " Finn explained, I nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, I don't see the interesting part either." I replied smiling, Finns eyes went wide and I obviously told him I was joking.

"I'm just joking. And if Sue didn't show me or tell me who you were this morning, then I probably would've just thought you were... Average. I mean, you are average, in a good way. I promise not to treat you differently, just equally." I responded. Finn smiled and mouthed a thank you.

"Come to mine today? Simon has to study some more at the library after school." Finn asked, I agreed.

"Yeah sure. I don't mind! Wow, this is, strange." I replied, Finn laughed.

"Are you referencing to Stranger things?" He asked, I raised my brow and was confused.

"What? Oh, sorry, I forgot that was the name of your show. Oops." I replied.

- This was more of a friendship imagine! STILL CUTE tho ❤️💗 comment what u think of this one?

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