Finn° Alone with you |5|

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Summary: Read Previous Parts 👀

-I won't turn this into a book, I'm still not quite sure yet because I'm still trynna plot what's gonna happen.


Beep. Beep. Beep.

Jesus ow. I felt terrible, physically and emotionally. I remembered what Finn had said to me, he didn't like me... So I used that as an excuse to get drunk, real drunk.

My eyes opened and I already knew I was in a hospital, I could hear the heart monitor. I examined my arms, I had an IV drip, then I saw scratches and bruises...
Then last nights events flashed before my eyes, I remembered what happened.

I felt my tears escaped. The beeping of my heart monitor increased.

"Ahh" I cried, I felt as a hand gripped onto mine and I jerked away.

"Y/N?! Your awake, Are you okay?" Ashley asked as she gave me a worried look. I exhaled and looked to my left to see my mom.

"I remember how I-I ended up in the d-ditch." I mumbled with tears streaming down. Mom held my hand even tighter,

"Baby, tell us." She whispered. I closed my eyes shut and the tears escaped. My hands started shaking and my cries became louder.

Finn POV

"Yess. Mhmm." I moaned. Jade lifted her head up but I pushed her back down.

"Don't stop." I spoke out of pleasure.
Jade continued, I then heard my phone ringing.

I groaned out of frustration and picked up the phone, it was Ashley.

"Come to the hospital. Your best friends still alive, oh do you even care? Room 1723." Ashley spoke before hanging up.

I frowned and pushed Jade off of me.

"I'm going to the hospital. Stay here, I know you don't want to come." I mentioned and pulled up my pants, Jade wiped her mouth and agreed.

"We can continue this later. Okay baby?" Jade mentioned as she faced me, I placed on my jacket and shrugged my shoulders.

"By the time I get home. I don't want you here." I spoke before walking off. I made my way down to the car and rushed over to the hospital.

I ran down the halls and looked for room 1723.

My head turned and I glanced at Ashley standing at  the end of one the halls. My lips smacked together as I ran over.

"Is she okay?" I asked and looked into her rooms window. Ashley pushed me and I stumbled.

"You, it's your fucking fault!" Ashley yelled, I raised my brows and exhaled.

"What happened to her Ashley- YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID, you allowed her to walk home alone, drunk. Helpless." Ashley yelled crying, I felt as she pushed me again.

I gulped and looked into Y/N's window, she had cuts and bruises, everywhere, Y/N was crying.

"Because of you, Y/N had to deal with 3 men... After they were done with her, they left her in a ditch, thinking she was dead. And it's all your fucking fault." Ashley explained.

My heart stopped. She was raped. Because of me. I let this happened.

A shaky breath escaped my mouth and I wanted to go inside her room but Ashley stopped me.

"She's with her mom. I wouldn't go inside yet. After your visit, stop being her friend. Okay. Go live your famous life, don't let her hold you back." Ashley spoke.

I stayed quiet.

-Ya like? 😭👀💗

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