Miles° Thunder⚡️

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Summary: Y/N sleeps over and gets scared due to the thunder... Her move is to head to Miles room.


I laid alone in the huge bed. The guest room was massive, it was bigger than an apartment.

The lights were turned off in my room and the only light source was from my huge ass window, flashes of lighting had scared me, so I hid under the blankets.

"Shit, I'm about to die." I mumbled to myself.

Not to mention, Miles' house was scary as hell. And probably haunted. This mansion does not seem family friendly, I get a weird vibe here.

My teeth scattered together and I shivered from having goosebumps, it was fucking cold.
I sat up slowly and looked to my right, I watched as one of the closet doors opened slightly.

Oh hell no. Not today Satan

I gulped and just didn't move. My heart was pounding. All of a sudden a LOUD thunder clap had made a noise and I instantly got out of bed.

"Jesus, no. Save me." I mumbled as I hopped out of bed. Quickly exiting the guest room and I raced to Miles room and opened his doors.

"Miles, I am not sleeping alone." I muffled, Miles woke up and he patted for the spot next to him.

My cold ass was willing to share a bed and share body warmth.

"I offered for you to sleep with me before- Okay, Well Miles, I didn't want to be a burden." I replied and tucked myself into his bed.

Miles smiled and we both laid there. "You're scared of the thunder?" Miles whispered tiredly, my eyes blinked and I gulped as I just stared at him.

"Yeah. Also, you have Satan in that guest room." I replied. Miles chuckled.

I continued to shiver in the blankets, and then I felt his touch.
Miles scooted closer and then placed his arm over me.

Shit, we were super close. "Warm now?" Miles mumbled with his eyes closed. I smiled to myself and then blushed, good thing his eyes were closed.

"Yeah, thank you." I replied softly.

Did you enjoy having Miles hold you?
Yes ah. Warmth and protection.

Should you hug him back?
No, don't be that weirdo.

I snapped out of my thoughts when Miles opened his eyes,

"You okay with me cuddling you? Right?" Miles asked and then grinned. I agreed and shook my head.

"Yeah. I like it. I'm warm now." I replied. Miles gave me a soft smile and then gestured for me to turn around...

Slowly I turned around and felt as Miles spooned me from behind, his hand resting over me and holding me close.

Oh this is heaven. This friendship had escalated. Miles placed his chin between my neck and shoulder area so he was close, like really close. The Most comfortable position.

"You smell good." Miles whispered. I giggled and just rolled my eyes.

I could stay in his arms forever. I could feel myself drifting to sleep,

My eyes finally closed until.... we heard the doors open.

"Miles I want to sleep with you, I'm scared." Flora spoke. Me and Miles lifted our heads up to see Flora at the end of the bed.

She crawled in between us and tucked her self in. I looked up at Miles and then grinned.

-This was so cute omg. Here's a Miles imagine! ❤️

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