Finn° Work

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Summary: You meet Finn on set of a movie.

Song: Had me @ hello - Olivia Holt


"This is going to be awesome! I'm so excited!" Mom spoke as she continued driving. I raised my brows and held onto my puppy "Rocky" as we drove towards the set of "Dog Days."

My pug Rocky was trained and casted for the new movie Dog days. I wish I was casted for something, just stuck in lame old high school trying to pass calculus.

"We're here." Mom spoke as she placed the car in park. I groaned out of frustration because I reminded myself I had a exam in 2 days.. I stepped out of the vehicle and headed towards the set.

"Why the long face muffin?" Mom asked, I rolled my eyes and didn't reply. Rocky was attached to a leash which I handled.
As mom talked to one of the set and crew numbers I stood aside and just played with Rocky, I knelt down to start rubbing his tummy.

"Who's my beautiful boy- Sick dog. What's it's name?" A voice cooed. I looked up and saw a guy my age towering over me. He had soft dark brown curls and cute freckles.

"Rocky. You can pet him if you want! " I replied, the guy smiled and thanked me. We both kneeled down and started running Rocky's tummy.

"I'm Finn by the way, you must be?...." Finn mumbled, I smiled and shook his hand.

"Y/N." I replied with a grin. Finn chuckled and stood up straight.

"I can give you and Rocky a 'dog days' tour around set? I-I mean if you want?" He asked, I agreed to it and just licked my lips. Finn looked nervous, he smiled and looked down.

"Ok, follow me." Finn replied.

Finn POV

Shit this girl was cute. Damn, how was I going to concentrate on this film when I know she's going to be here everyday for the next couple weeks? The only thing I'll think about during work and filming is her....

She wasn't just cute, she had personality and HUMOR.

"Finn, hello? You showed me the concession stand like 3 times, are you okay?" Y/N mumbled, I smirked at her and rubbed my neck nervously. She also makes me nervous. I'm sweating so much.

"I-I can show you my trailer... Ugh, if you want? I don't know if you, you know? Never mind. Want to just walk around set with me?" I stuttered, Y/N chuckled and nudged me lightly.

"I like you." She whispered. I snorted a little, which was a first. A girl has never made me snort. Also, I was shaking. A girl has never made me shake either.

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