Mike° Just dance with me

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Summary: Y/N tries to make Mike happy during the snow ❄️ ball, Mike was waiting on Eleven to show up

-Y/N will be portrayed as basically a girl version of Richie

-Yep, you guessed it. Mike doesn't really like her. Kinda.

-80's slang


I made my way through the dance floor just grooving on my own. Wow I looked like such a loner.

The couples around me just gave me glares. I awkwardly danced around Max and Lucas.

"Hey love birds. How's the feeling up?" I asked then winked, Lucas rolled his eyes and I danced my way over to where mike was sitting.

Mike was sitting at an empty table.
Poor loser.

"Hey numb nuts." I spoke and sat next to him, Mike faced me and scoffed.

"Y/N, don't call me that." Mike whispered then turned his head, he continued to look for his girl.

I smiled and placed my hands up in the air.

"Okay, Dweeb. Well how's the dark side?" I asked and raised my brow. Mike quickly turned his head to face me, he looked so annoyed. Ehh.

"Dark side? What do you mean?" Mike asked confused, I stood up and walked over to stand in front of him.

"What's your damage dude, stand up and dance? You look like one of those emo kids drenching in your poor sorrows." I explained, Mike rolled his eyes.

I reached my hand out and winked at him.

"Come on Wheeler- Oh gag me with a spoon Y/L/N, I am not dancing with you." Mike said cutting me off.

My reaction came off as feeling hurt. Suddenly a slow song had come on and the couples started standing up.

"Oh, Wheeler. Just dance with me, or look like a complete loner in the corner with no one." I mentioned and smiled. Mike stood up and scoffed.

Wow this kid really dislikes me.

Mike POV

She was the one who walked me to the dance floor, I chuckled and felt as she placed her hands on my hips.

"Idiot. That's my position." I whispered and pulled her closer.

Y/N faked a laugh and gave me a serious look.

"What if I wanted to be the dude? Pft."
Y/N spat back then grinned. I nodded a no and felt as she placed her hands around my neck. Slowly I started swaying and she followed my rhythm.

"I was watching you before, when you were dancing alone on the dance floor. Made me want to barf, your moves are tragic- oh and you're a great dancer?" Y/N spoke cutting me off with a smile.

I shook my head in agreement.

"Yeah I am- Not even." Y/N replied interrupting me. I frowned my brows.

"Even! You should've seen me last year." I replied and then smiled, Y/N nodded a no.

"Thank the lord I was sick last snow ball. Didn't want to see those moves." Y/N replied sarcastically with a smile.


Mike twirled me. I felt strange.

I was going to pop out a joke until I felt as Mike let go of me. He had faced a certain direction, I turned around and saw him staring at that 11 girl who stepped into our gym.

Great. Now Mike will be hypnotised all night. What a sore loser, idiot can't even finish a proper dance.

I decided to walk off to get a beverage. As I made my way over, I bumped into Dustin.

"Dance with me?" He asked and then smiled. I agreed.

-I tried making Y/N as a girl version of Richie. Oof

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