Mike° Just dance with me |4|

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Summary: Read Previous parts

-y/n and Will have company with them

-mikes a jealous boy

Mike POV

They sat next to each other in the booth. I uncomfortably shifted in my seat and moved around.

"You okay?" El whispered. I gulped and totally agreed. Yeah I was so okay with everything right now, I wasn't like jealous or anything.

I didn't even like Y/N. She's weird, too boyish for my liking and isn't even funny.

Ew she's the type of girl I wouldn't ever, like.


We ordered our food and Will happen to order the same thing because of his similar cravings.

I smiled and fist bumped him.

"Twinning. I can't wait to vacuum my food down." I spoke smiling while facing Will.

From across the table I heard a sigh escaping Mike's mouth. I turned to face Mike and raised my brows.

"Is it that frustrating to chose an order?" I asked with a grin. Mike flare his nostrils and didn't say a word.

I rolled my eyes and turned back to face Will.

"Tonight was fun. Thanks for asking me to dance- I'll be back. I need some... Air." Mike spoke as he stood up and talked with gritted teeth.

Confused, I raised my brows and examined as Mike walked out of the diner, and was followed by Eleven.

My shoulders shrugged and Will smirked at me.

"I think, I think that Mike really likes you. He's been staring at you all night, well, after Eleven came. I've been catching his eyes on you." Will explained, I faked gag and laughed.

I thought he was kidding.

"I'm being serious Y/N. He probably walked out because he's... uh jealous." Will replied, I smacked the table lightly.

"What, Ew, gross. Not to rain on anyone's parade but, Mike kind of looks like my brother. He's a cool dude, but, he legit has a girlfriend. He shouldn't be jealous. What a L-O-S-E-R." I replied,

Will grinned and rolled his eyes.

"Well, at least talk to him? He's probably outside just ignoring El." Will responded. I groaned.

"Fine, I'll do the right thing and give him a kind rejection." I spoke and smiled. Will chuckled and watched me walk off.

As I walked outside I saw El trying to talk to Mike in the parking lot. Mike wasn't replying, or even looking at her. I made my way towards them.

"I'll talk to him." I spoke and smiled at El. She agreed and entered the diner again.

I nudged Mike's arm and faked laughed.

"Ha, hey dude. What's up in the hizz house..." I mentioned, then face palmed myself. That was terrible Y/N.

Mike clenched his jaw and faced the other way.

"I need air- Just one question. Do you find me attractive?" I asked cutting Mike off.

Mike cringed and nodded a no.

"What? ew gross. You're like an annoying sister to me. And I don't even like you really as a friend, you call me names and you pick on me." Mike replied all defensive.

I smirked and then realised this was a serious situation.

"Okay then. So, you don't like me at all?" I asked. Mike stayed quiet. Oh man.

"Well I mean, I kind of do like you Y/N- I'll just stop you right there dweeb. You have a girlfriend who has freaking x-men powers and you need to appreciate her. I'm just a girl who talks a lot, I don't have powers so think twice about who you should like." I explained with folded arms.

Mike gulped and exhaled. He rolled his eyes.

"Get over yourself. We slow danced for like a minute. Wasn't anything special, right?" I mentioned and nudged his arm. Mike seemed hurt.

He then walked off and entered the diner, which left me outside.

Fucking great. Loner of the night. Yippee.

-Y/N is just... Wow.

Finn Wolfhard Imagines Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon