Finn° Lonely (anxiety)

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Summary; You may have a fan base and friends around, but somehow you still feel lonely. You beg Finn to stay.


I had most of the IT cast sleepover mine yesterday, it was fun and all but I still blanked out every now and then just thinking about nothing. It made me seem like a Debby downer but I couldn't help it.

Finn was the last one at my house still, he hadn't left yet and taken his Uber back to his hotel.

We both laid on my bed just talking about our busy schedules with filming and award shows.

"Y/N?" Finn whispered, I raised my brows and faced the freckled face curly haired boy.

"Yeah?" I replied. Finn scrunched his nose lightly.

"Are you okay? You don't seem yourself lately..." he asked, I faked a smile and nodded in agreement.

"Of course I'm okay, I think I'm just getting sick or something." I lied, Finn blinked and just agreed. He stood up and properly fixed his sweater.

" I should go, moms probably wanting me to head back for dinner." Finn spoke, I felt as my heart began to race... I started hyperventilating and knew if he left now, I would be lonely.

"Finn?!" I spat, he shot me a glance look and raised his brow.

"Yeah?" He replied with a concerned face.

"Don't leave me, please. I don't want to be alone. I can't be alone with my own thoughts." I mumbled while shaking, Finn sat back down next to me and faced me, he watched as my tears escaped my eyes.

"Hey, it's going to be okay... I'll stay another night. I've got you." He re-assured me into a hug, I cried into his chest. I felt as his hand rubbed my back lightly.

"I'm scared of being alone, I just need someone with me 24/7 to keep me distracted or make me happy." I cried out.

Finn POV

I understood her. I felt the same. But since my schedule was full on, I didn't have time to feel like this, I needed to do my job. I hugged her in my tight embrace,

"You're not alone, you have me." I whispered over and over. The feeling off loneliness can come from Depression and anxiety... I knew she had anxiety.

"I think we should buy whatever snacks we want, then put on a movie and bake some cookies... Keep us busy!" I mentioned while smiling at her, she sniffled and agreed. My thumbs brushed against her skin and wiped off her tears.

-❤️ how was this? I made this imagine because most days weather I'm with friends or family, I still feel lonely and empty. Writing imagines helps me past time and keeps my mind off negative things.

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