Mike ° I'm here (6)

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Summary; Read prior parts!

Recap; Mike had kissed you in the school hall way.


My eyes opened slowly, I stared at Mike who had pulled away from my lips. My eyes went huge, I felt a huge wave of confusion...

"M-mike, I can't do this." I mumbled then turned around, I needed to leave. I felt as he pulled me back around to face him, his smile appeared lightly.

"Please give me a chance, I'll fight for you if I have too." Mike argued, I nodded a no and gulped.
I couldn't do that to Richie, he's been an amazing boyfriend.
I let go of Mike's hand and decided to walk off. I felt like I couldn't breathe properly, my legs started running, I was heading towards the courtyard outside for some air. My sniffles and cries were loud as I placed my self outside of the school... I needed to tell Richie what happened.

Mike POV

"You kissed her?!? Wow, you really kissed her?!" Dustin spoke with a raised brows, I shhhh'd him to make sure he would keep it down, I didn't want people in the cafeteria hall hearing.

"Yes Dustin, My lips on her lips." I replied with folded arms, the boys all just dropped their jaws.

"She's taken Mike, T-A-K-E-N." Lucas spelled out, I rolled my eyes and nodded.

"You don't think I knew?" I replied with a raised brow. The boys just stared at me and had no words. Suddenly I felt a push from behind me, I landed right on my face.

"Ouuuu." The kids around us in the cafeteria hall made that noise. I gulped and turned around to see that it was Richie and his group.

"You kissed my fucking girl. I came back to her sobbing her eyes out." Richie spoke then re-positioned his glasses.

I stood up with the help of my boys, I clenched my jaw.

"That's right I kissed her. And you want to know why she's crying?" I replied then clenched my fist, Richie raised his brows and then nodded. He grinned just waiting for my reply.

"Because she's confused, I know she felt something when I kissed her... she loved me way before she loved you, you're just a re-bound." I spat back. Richies smirk was then removed from his face,

"Dude what the fuck. That kiss meant nothing to her, just like you. " He spat back then pushed me, I pushed back then felt as he cracked me in the jaw. I wanted to hit him back but the boys held me back, Richie just laughed.

"I want to punch that grin off your face Tozier - Come try dipshit." He spat back interrupting me.

"You don't intimidate me." Richie spoke. I just huffed with anger.

Richie and his group then turned around and started walking off...

I flared my nostrils,

"Wait till I steal her from you. Then feel intimidated." I replied.

~~~~ Sorry this was bad. Wahhh 😭😭😭

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