Finn° You Feel me |4|

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Summary: You are Finn's fuck buddy (Read Previous Parts) 

-this Part to the story isn't going to be sexual
-sorry for those freaky girls


I shrugged my shoulders as I sat back down onto the couch.

"She should be here, she said she was gonna leave her house like 15 minutes ago." Sheila explained as she talked about Kate.

My eyes rolled and I stood up,
"Let's walk to her house then, dude, we're gonna be late for the movies. She needs to be ready." I explained.

The girls all agreed and stood up,

"If she isn't ready, then we'll just leave her." Jess mentioned as she faced me.

Luckily, Kate's home was only a few streets down from my house.

As we all walked towards Kate's house, I received a text from Finn.

From: Finn

Come see me before my flight tonight? I'm leaving for LA.

I Miss you ❤️

I smirked at his text and exhaled a breath.

"Why are you smiling at your phone? Is it Finn?" Sheila asked me out of Sarcasm. I nodded a no and placed my phone into my pocket.

The girls knew I was friends with Finn, but I didn't tell them we were fucking or having those good late nights.

"No. Finn only talks to me at school." I replied and gulped.

10 minuets later of walking and ranting about how Kate was going to make us late, we reached her house, finally.

As we reached Kate's house we realised her parents weren't home, the cars were not parked in the driveway.

"The doors opened, it's not locked. Shit, I hope she's okay? That's strange that the door is opened." Sheila explained as she opened up the front door.

We all walked in, my heart was pounding. Was she okay? Did someone break in?

As we walked down, I could hear moaning....

Familiar moaning.

I flared my nostrils, pushing past the girls I made it to the lounge and saw Finn with Kate.

"Ah, yes baby." Katy moaned. The girls stood behind me, my arms folded and we all eyed out what they were doing.

Kate was riding Finn on her living room couch.

My eyes glanced at Finn, he made eye contact and instantly pushed Kate off of him.

"Guys wtf?" Kate yelled, Jess nodded a no.

"Kate? You and Finn?" Jess yelled out.

I didn't know how to feel.
Finn wasn't my boyfriend, but, I wasn't completely a no one to him.

We had fun nights together, excluding the sex.

Kate covered her naked body as Finn stood up and pulled up his pants, Finn decided to walk towards me.

I nodded a no and felt like crying. He wanted to have sex with Kate? Fine, so be it, I won't be needing him anyway.

"Finn you need to leave." Kate mumbled, I gulped and decided to him towards the front door.

As we stepped outside I felt my tears escape.

"I-I'm so so sorry Y/N, she continued to ask for sex and it was a stupid mistake of me to even go to Kate. I don't even like her, I like you Y/N- Shut up Finn. You don't like me, so don't act like you do. End of us, I don't need you anymore." I replied as I interrupted Finn.

He wanted to say something but I nodded a no,

"Do you feel how hurt I am? I mean, I shouldn't even care. You're not my boyfriend, Finn, you can fuck any hoe you want. Oh and Don't talk to me." I mumbled before slamming the door into his face.

Quickly I wiped my tears and headed back to the girls.

I saw as Kate was explaining what she did with Finn. I pretended to listen in and laughed like the rest of the group.

But in reality. I was hurt. Really hurt

I hope that Finn feels me when he kisses another chick, I hope that he thinks about how badly he's missing out on me. Stupid jerk.

Finn POV

I continued to text her. No reply. I needed to see her before my flight.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. As I went on instagram, I saw that Y/N was with other dudes at a house party, going wild and crazy prolly at her house.

It made me so pissed off.

Y/N only posted it 12 seconds ago, she must be having a party.

I sat up and nodded a no.

I decided to text her.

To: Y/N
From: Finn

If you don't meet me tonight. You'll have some angry sex coming your way.

-part 5? I know this wasn't sexual but still. I'm tired asf so if this story is bonkers I'm sorry

Finn Wolfhard Imagines Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt