Chapter 53

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If a month ago, just before the atrocious christmas night. If someone had enlightened me of a near future that I'd be flying to England for the birthday of a rich Asian dude and would probably end up helping an FBI senior tech recruit to carryout the operation invoving the kidnapping of a senator.

There might have been a possibility that I would've died, chocking of laughter.

But here I was, in a secluded room full of two male detectives and the disproving woman deputy with an extremely bored sofware engineering graduate by my side.

They say there are two kinds of people when the working atmosphere is involved. One that does the entire work and the other who pretends to do so.

The initial was me and the latter?

"Thank God I was right on time. Or else it was next to impossible for the signal transmission to have a clear coast if they had taken the subway route before we successfully hacked" proudly squaring his shoulder the short, not really but if you consider someone equal to my height, especially a man as concise, then short, average built geeky guy with nerdy glasses and complimenting dorky clothes angles his sharp nose at Mr.Graham, the name of the bald detective that I learned from all the shouting directed towards his direction.

He looks at the man with tired but rather worn down gaze as he lethargically takes a seat for the first time.

"I think what you mean to say is we found her in the right time" with a lazy but really strong work of his jaw Mr. Graham smiles at me, his thick British accent filling the room.

"She's young" scratchy, that's how he sounded as he took a glimpse of me frowning. Diverting his gaze back to the large man he drums his finger across the mahogany desk. "She can be mislead easily"

slowly but steadily I felt my brain cells die each wise he made use of that corpulent mouth of his. With each passing second I disliked him a bit more. And now I was prematurely sure that I borderline hated him. He was a headache and I felt the onset of a severe and literal one at the moment

"She's young, but really smart. We could use someone like her." Mr. Graham nodded distinctly as he played with a bronze, paper weight.

"If you ever are in a need of a work place after your studies. Contact me on this. We are more than happy to train someone like you" sliding me his card past an utterly displeased guy, who abruptly shuts the laptop and gets up whirling around, finding his way out.

Pretending to be grateful I clear my sore throat as the cold from the night took it's toll on me. I take the card.

After I was introduced to the system, I was proficiently able to manage the quaint hacks with a knowledge that somehow crawled back from times that I can't even recall.

Upon it's success, that navigation page was taken over by the lead man himself as Mr. Graham barked the directions to not so much of a local police chase. In the end, the operation was an A grade success as the senator was found drugged but very much alive on the passenger front of SUV that the kidnappers had abandoned on an alley way, probably cautious of their disastrous failure.

The room, which at that time was filled with anticipating and nail biting amount of officers erupted into a rattle of applause and happiness. A bluff man with the enthusiasm of an iron patted my back in an act of painful praise as I almost lurched forward on my seat, pecking the table, almost.

Since then the crowd dispersed and I waited to be excused. The ticking clock perched on the top stated that it was way past eleven. That's marks two hours of my presence here.

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