Chapter 67

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Detached. That's what dawned on me once I faced the open sky above. To know how small we are, compared to the vast, infinity the universe is.

But each individual down here has so much problems of their own to even acknowledge the fact, that we are grainer than an atom, and our struggles basically nothing in compared to what's up there.

"Have you always been this fascinated with astronomy?" inhaling the scenty breeze I nod, still not taking my eyes par from the beauty that was so out of reach.

The wind picks up, the humidity in our skin dissolving with each of their caress. As we stood in the top floor, the terrace opening of Elite.

That's were Edmund took me.

When I stepped by the fancy glass and sleek granite railing with Edmund following my action beside, an essence of Déjà vu washed over me. It seem to be the same with him as he smiled looking up.

A different place, some complimented emotions, but the same sky. The same world.

"Alex has a thing for gazing stars too" a small worrisome frown pulled over me as I look at Edmund. Confused as to why he would bring the subject of Alex up.

Until my steps carried me here to the serenity, I was attacked by my rational self to stop whatever this was, to stop giving him hope.

But now with one look at a calm and determined Edmund perplexed and validated my decision at the same time.

There was more.

More to why he bought me here.

"He would sit down here" Edmund tilted to side, and with his eyes trained to a dark wooden cot, slightly to his right "-And just exist"

Chuckling with a sad glimmer he squares his shoulder as he watched me with sincerity.

For some reason his quiescent behavior irked me. Shuffling on my feet I diverted my whole attention to the boy in front of me. Who appeared more alien than ever.

"Why did you bring me here?" vividly straining my features to be calm I ask him.

His brown eyes, for a long-long time stays on my face. They weren't intense or discomforting. Simply reading me in silence.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" frowning I tilt my head to the side, meeting his stare strongly and for some reason not shying away.

Smiling he shakes his head mildly, as if His thoughts humored and confused him.

"I was trying to figure out what captivates me so much about you"


"No Elaine don't stop me today" he cuts me off, extending his palm in a motion to block my thoughts.

Silence dominated among us before he speaks up again.

"They are your Eyes, the thing I first noticed about you"

At that I felt my stomach flip with sadness, to know a boy so candid and sweet, and to know that you are the cause behind his predicaments.

"Each time I saw them, they were filled with the kind of wit and innocence that I had never seen before"

He props his Elbow upon the bar, leans slightly to the side as it supported his weight. His stance determined and competitive. As if challenging me to stop him.

I don't bother to try as I let him pour the contents of his emotions out, in turn as they drowned me in guilt.

"You are a surprise Elaine." he breathes as his lips parts imperceptibly, all light heartedness is sucked out from the atmosphere as he frowns concentratedly. "Each day you reveal yourself more, yet there is always something concealed about you. Hence a surprise. A beautiful one which I'll always look forward for."

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