Six - Ice jumping

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Being in a car with Jacob was never the same as with any other member of her family. All drove beautifully smooth and ridiculously fast, Jacob in addition drove each car like he'd stolen it. He liked to turn off all the driver aids like ABS, whack it into sports mode and chuck it around every corner. It was always great fun as he carved his way through traffic, overtaking in near suicidal places, because all the while she trusted him, knew she'd be safe and that he would never endanger anyone else on the road.

She was always on an adrenaline high in a car with Jacob.

He power slid through one of the corners, they both had massive grins on their faces whilst music blared from the stereo. As far as Renesmee was concerned this could be all Jacob had as a surprise for her today and she'd be happy.

They twisted and turned through the landscape, getting higher and higher and further North. She started noticing snow on the ground.

As they climbed further into the mountains the traffic decreased.

They turned off onto a dirt track, following that for a few miles.

Jacob randomly threw the steering wheel to the right and through a gap in the trees.

"Are we allowed to go across here?" She asked.

"Yea, I've been this way several times, we're fine. You just wait, we're nearly there," he said calmly as they drove very fast through the forest, Jacob avoiding everything in their path.

Finally the trees thinned and they came into a clearing, Renesmee gasped at the sight in front of her, Jacob looked around at her smiling.

Through the windscreen, she could see a vast mountain range. They seemed to be heading straight towards a glacier, which was peaking itself over a mountain ahead. Everything was covered in snow, she'd never seen anything like it.

Jacob stopped the car,

"Right, we're heading up there to the col," pointing up to the glacier just in view in front of them. "It's a bit of a climb but you'll be fine.

It's a near impossible route for anyone else, so we should hopefully have the place to ourselves."

He got out the car and opened the boot, she followed. He sorted through all the things he'd packed and starting chucking stuff her way.

"You'll need all of this, it might seem like overkill considering your abilities but, as I said, this route is practically impossible to pass for normal humans, so I'm hoping that being only half normal you should be fine!" he finished, chuckling.

"I'll beat you up there wolf!" She bantered back at him.

"Cool, get your equipment on and let's go!"

She put on her waterproofs and boots on, then Jacob helped her put on the crampons on her feet as she'd never used them before. He'd packed a rucksack for himself and for her, she caught hers when he threw it her way before they set off.

They walked up to the bottom of a huge overhang of ice and looked up. Renesmee knew a bit about climbing but not much, she knew enough to realise this was a very severe grade though. She also knew she could manage it. Jacob pulled some harnesses and ropes from his bag.

"Look I know we should be fine, but like I said this is pretty intense climbing and I need to make sure you'll be ok, so we'll rope up in case one of us falls," he said while placing a harness on her waist and attaching a rope through the carabiner. He proceeded to give her a quick lesson on climbing the ice wall in front of them using an ice axe and crampons. She watched him complete a couple of steps, then instantly climbed herself up the wall to join him.

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