Fifty Eight - Black desperation

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She stayed on the sofas with her parents talking until the others started to rise. The usual morning routine they'd developed then began again.

Renesmee was banished from the kitchen, Emily was feeding Isi and the others made breakfast for everyone. Before they knew it Rosalie, Esme, Edward and Bella were telling the others to sit down and they took over cooking. Renesmee spotted the others looking at her family with thoughtful expressions, she suspected they were wondering how well Vampires could cook, considering they didn't eat.

In a short space of time, a time significantly shorter than if the others had been cooking, the most amazing spread of food was served. There were stacks of pancakes, waffles, bacon, sausages, eggs, cereals, toast, yoghurts and fruit. Everyone helped themselves greedily.

They were all nearly finished when Alice and Jasper returned from their hunt, Renesmee noticed a calmness come over her and felt her body relax. She noticed the same thing happen to the others in the room. When she looked at Ethan, she saw he was studying Jasper with the same expression he wore yesterday when he was putting two and two together. His expression was a little more bewildered this time and she could understand why, as Jasper had a very subtle but powerful gift. She also saw her Dad look over at Ethan, clearly reading his thoughts on the topic. It looked liked Ethan hadn't fully figured out Jasper yet.

Once they were all done with their food, they all made their way upstairs to get ready. Before too long, everyone was ready to go to their next venue.

Renesmee wanted to stay at her house longer, but knew it was time to move on, they needed to keep moving around to throw the Vampires off in case they came looking. They were heading to Jacob's house next, she was excited and eager to see Billy, but at the same time knew it would be hard surrounded by everything that reminded her of Jacob.

Her parents took her to one side before they left,

"We'll pop in on you later," her Dad said, "You just need to keep positive in front of the others, no matter what you think they look up to you. If you stay strong they will follow your example. I know it will be hard, which is why we'll never be far away if you need us."

"It's going to be tough as hell, especially at his house, I'm never going to be able to do it," she replied.

"Of course you can sweetie," her Mum replied, pulling her into a hug, "You always underestimate how strong you are, I on the other hand have complete faith."

Her Dad hugged her next, she thanked them for everything they'd done, told them she loved them and went with the others over to Billy's.

As she stood outside the Black household she didn't feel as bad as she thought she would and instead was filled with the comfort of home. As soon as that thought had entered her head, she envisioned Jacob bursting out of the front door, wearing a beaming smile and running towards her as he had done a thousand times. The bubble burst and the house in front of her didn't quite look the same in the knowledge that Jacob wouldn't be coming out of that door.
She had been fully expecting this sort of torture from her head, so managed to quickly refocus her thoughts to the now.

She joined the others as they made their way to the door. Rachel led the way knocking on the door, even though she didn't really need to. Within seconds it was being opened, Billy had clearly been waiting for them. He greeted Rachel in the way only a Father could greet his daughter, his hug tighter than normal. Once they'd broken away from each other, everyone else filed past a little more casually, with either a handshake, kiss on the cheek or a wave. Renesmee was last and she bent down to give Billy a massive hug and kiss. He responded in the same way he had with Rachel and pulled her into a tight hug, probably tighter as he knew Renesmee was a little more sturdier. He had always greeted her warmly, but she was deeply heartened by this greeting. As they broke away from each other, she saw the same worry lines on his face that she'd been wearing for the last few days. He knew exactly how she was feeling.

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