Ten - La Pushing Her Luck

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She sorted her hair and makeup then headed downstairs.

"I'm gonna head over to La Push, if that's ok. I'll grab some food there," she said.

"Yea that's fine, but don't pressure Jacob please," Bella said.

"No I won't, but he can't keep stepping in my way," Renesmee said.

"Renesmee, I hate to say this, but you're sounding a little like a spoilt brat. How many occasions has Jacob not done what you wanted?" Bella asked her in a serious tone. Renesmee thought for a second but kept coming up with blanks.

"Uh, well hardly ever. But I guess that is why it makes it more frustrating," Renesmee conceded.

"He's trying to do what's best for both of you. Be nice to him," Bella said.

"Ok I'll try," Renesmee said with a smile and left the house.

She ran the distance to La Push, slowing the pace as she got closer. She needed to avoid detection by either Jacob or a member of his pack in wolf form. The latter equally as dangerous as bumping into Jacob himself, as if he were in wolf form at the same moment he would be able to read their thoughts. He'd likely be on alert.

She crept through the forest, being careful with every footstep. She made it to the edge of the clearing and looked out, there were shapes on the other side. She kept behind a tree then poked her head out and focused on them. It was Embry and Seth. Embry would do she thought, he'd not imprinted yet and they'd always got on well together.

She wondered how to get over to them without being caught by anyone else. She cursed her Vampire scent, she knew she was giving off, it was too easy for a wolf to pick up. So she decided speed was better than stealth.

She ran as fast as she could towards them, arriving in a couple of seconds. They were slightly surprised by her sudden appearance, but after the initial response they looked at each other amused.

"Hiya," she said cheerfully. "Embry, can I speak to you alone for a minute please?" She asked. He exchanged another amused look with Seth.

"Afraid I can't Nessie," he replied, looking quite disappointed.

"Course you can," she said grabbing his hand and pulling him away, he didn't budge. She sighed.

"It's him isn't it?" She said annoyed.

"Yea, sorry he beat you to it. We've been well and truly warned to stay away from you. He pulled out the force of Alpha, he rarely does that. We are bound." Embry confirmed.

"All of you?!" Renesmee asked exasperated, looking at Seth.

"Afraid so," he replied.

"Hmph" Renesmee grumbled. "Well if he thinks it's better for me to kill my date, then that's his own choice. It won't be mine," she said speaking to no-one in particular just so incensed with rage.

She now hoped that she could make it back home without running into Jacob, as she didn't want to break her promise to her Mum.

In the mood she was in now she knew she'd bite his head off.

"Well, see you boys. Thanks all the same," she said, whilst running away.

She ran as fast as she could and headed to the cottage. When she got there she was pleased to find her parents weren't home.
She got into bed and cried herself to sleep.

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