Twelve - Back to square one

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Before she knew it, she was waking up on Friday morning. Blimey where had the week gone? She dressed for school then went downstairs where her Mum and Rosalie were cooking breakfast for her, it was her favourite, waffles!

"Yum, they smell wonderful!" Renesmee said.

"Oh good, I think they smell awful, but each to their own!" Rosalie said. Renesmee giggled.

"It's nice to see you cheery again," her Mum said smiling whilst Renesmee grabbed a waffle and tucked in.

"Yea, I'm feeling so good that I might go and speak to Jake after school if that's ok?" She said.

"That's fine with me as long as you are sure you are ok to go there," her Mum commented.

"I think so, I've not thought about throttling him for at least a few hours now," she said smiling.

"You don't have to be in such a big rush to make up with him," Rosalie said. "You could make him wait a little longer, it was nice having you completely in my camp for a bit." Rosalie finished with a cheeky grin.

"Hey I'm always in your camp, but I just happen to be in Jacob's too. I can't take sides between you. If only you two could be more civil to each other!" Renesmee replied smiling.

"Yea I'll see what I can do about that," said Rosalie, Renesmee noted the hint of sarcasm.

Half an hour later Renesmee was heading to school. At lunch her friends bombarded her with questions about tomorrow, that's when Renesmee realised she hadn't heard from Ethan with the plans. She panicked, was he going to cancel on her, or worse still stand her up? She would ring him as soon as she got home from school.

The final bell rang at the end of the day, she was the last to pack up her things.

She was sorting through her locker when she noticed some of the younger students giggling and running excited about, it was annoying her. Her mate Tarek came in from the parking lot, he had a locker near hers and was also picking through the books he would need over the weekend.

"What's got them all so excited?" She said a little frustrated.

"Oh you know what it's like, a school of only 350 kids, when a new face pops up everyone goes mad. When a guy turns up they haven't seen before, all the girls go a bit bananas!" Tarek said, seeming both amused and annoyed at the same time.

"Not just any guy," Harriet said coming in from outside. "He's definitely the future ex-Mrs Harriet Dafferty!"

Renesmee's other friends Catlin and Suzy were coming in from the parking lot giggling.

"Oh you have to see Ness!" Suzy said. "He looks so dangerous."

"Very tall and dark," Catlin agreed and they both giggled.

"Ladies please, steady yourselves," Tarek said. "You're sounding like you aren't used to being around tall, dark, handsome men. I might get a complex."

"Yea come on, calm down, it's just one guy!" Renesmee said.

"He's more than just some guy, he's like some sort of god," Harriet said.

"But you probably won't be too fussed, as there's someone else here to see you," Catlin said to her as they started making their way outside.

"What? Who?" Renesmee asked. She was never picked up from school or met by anyone. She was puzzled who it would be. Her answer came quickly, she'd barely opened the doors that led to the parking lot when she focused on him.

Jacob was stood leaning an arm casually on his motorbike. As soon as she spotted him, his eyes were also trained on her. Some knee jerk reaction within her caused her to smile at him, but she quickly straightened her face out when some of the anger threatened to bubble up again. He had instinctively smiled back and also looked like he was trying to keep a serious expression.

Never Let Me Go (Renesmee & Jacob Twilight Fanfiction) 2020Where stories live. Discover now