Forty Six - Catching Jacob

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Once within the cover of the forest she could stretch out to her full vamp speed and caught up with him quickly. He looked behind him at the sound of her approaching and looked a little startled.

"The pretty pixie lady is after me," he said to himself.

"Jacob, stop!" she called.

This seem to spook him even more and he set off quicker. She pounced towards him, not willing to let him get away again, he looked around shocked at her hurtling towards him, then tried to leap out her way. As he leapt however, he phased into a wolf, she therefore missed him and fell to the ground.

He stopped for a second to look down at himself, then took off again, but this time at a speed far superior. She quickly got up and made after him, calling his name again. He looked back slightly frightened.

"Why do you always have to phase like that when you are wearing your nice jeans?" she shouted.

She realised was now effectively chasing him and tried to steer him towards his house, but this was not working. She wondered if she got ahead of him, then he might understand that he wasn't being chased and would follow her. So she sprinted as fast as she could, knowing that she should outrun him eventually. When she was close she catapulted over him and continued running.

He stopped for a second whilst he appeared to take in the change of events, she continued running but at a slower pace to show she was not a threat. She was ready to turn back at any second in case this didn't work, but Jacob started to follow her. Pleased with her plan Renesmee started heading in the direction of his house.

He continued to follow her all the way there. As she neared the house she started to worry about what to do. She really needed him back in his human form, but she wasn't sure how to make him. As she reached the middle of the clearing next to Jacob's house she stopped and turned.

He stopped on the edge of the clearing and looked at her.

"Jacob, can you phase back to a human please?" she asked.

He looked back at her puzzled.

"I don't know how you normally do it. Just try to concentrate on being human," she suggested.

He looked as if he were following her instruction and had a strained look on his wolf features. It did not work.

She took a step towards him slowly, keen to not spook him again. He fidgeted slightly, but remained where he was. She made a few more steps forward, he stayed put, so she reached out a hand to show she just wanted to touch him.

He lurched towards her so quickly that she was nearly caught off guard. She was wary of what he might do, he was so powerful, she didn't want to take any chances. She lunged out of the way and before he had a chance to come back at her, she leapt over and knocked him to the ground. She tried to pin him down as much as she could, but considering his size she struggled slightly. Luckily he did not struggle, instead he lifted his head and licked her on the face.

"Yea thanks Jake," she said with a slight chuckle, but was thankful inside that he wasn't about to attack her. "Ok, come on. You just need to phase back now."

He again pulled a face of concentration, but nothing happened. What else could she do? He'd always done it himself, she didn't know how.

Jacob shifted slightly and not feeling as threatened by him she allowed him. He rolled over on his side, cocooning her with his front paws in the process. It was extremely cosy, she wrapped her hands in his fur, then lifted her head and kissed him gently on the nose. She held the kiss there as she closed her eyes trying to think of a solution.

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