Sixty Nine - Discovering

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"Do they know?" Renesmee asked him as soon as they were each perched on a log facing each other.

Jacob hesitated for a moment, looking like he was trying to choose his words carefully to prevent her from getting spooked further. He finally answered.

"Yes, they do."

Renesmee felt embarrassment that everyone had known and she was completely clueless. Had they all been laughing at her for how obvious she was to the fact?

It made much more sense now how some of them reacted and the comments they made over the years. She was interrupted from her thoughts as Jacob spoke again calmly.

"You remember what you were told about Sam and his pack trying to kill you before you were born?"

She nodded in response.

"Well the only reason they ceased their attack was because I imprinted on you moments after you were born. You see, one of the most sacred rules the wolves live by is that you can't kill someone's imprinted partner, it would destroy the wolf too." He paused to let it sink in.

"See, me imprinting on you actually saved your life!" he tried in humour, but was smart enough to tail off his voice.

She continued to look confused. Jacob nervously filled in the silence with things that he clearly hoped would help.

"Your parents weren't best pleased when they found out, but as you can see, that was a long time ago in the past and they are fine with it now.

Do you think Edward would have allowed me to spend time with you if he was concerned about my thoughts in any way? All I've wanted to do was keep you safe and happy. I don't see that as a bad thing and I've loved every minute of it.

You actually loved me before you were even born. Bella became really happy and clingy around me which, as you'll know, is a little out of character for her, especially with everything that was going on at that time. We finally figured out that it was you who wanted me around and you pushed these desires through your Mum.

When you approached me about the date with Ethan, that was difficult. Firstly it was difficult because you were asking to practice kissing with me. I was starting to get some feelings for you at that stage and didn't want anything to happen before you'd had a chance to experience life first, if anything was to happen at all. I had a feeling that if I kissed you it would confuse matters considerably, which it really did. There was no denying my feelings after that and the wolf imprinting side made sure of that, I had no way of playing it down.

I really struggled from then on to be normal around you, especially trying to be supportive around you and Ethan. God how that got to me.

You know that day at the fair when you thought I'd imprinted on Harriet because I'd uncontrollably phased into a wolf? That was because I couldn't stand to see you kiss Ethan. That should have been me, I was so jealous I couldn't control myself. I can't put all of that down to imprinting, if you ask Bella she'd tell you I could be a little dramatic when I'm in a mood."

For the first time in a while Renesmee broke into a natural smile.

"I don't need to speak to anyone to confirm that. I've seen that first hand!" she commented, "Although I can't really claim to be much better."

Jacob was humbled by her comment, however scathing it might have been. He was glad she was talking a little at least.

"This does prove that the imprinting took over you though and affected the way you acted," she said.

"Like I said before, I was the harshest of critics on what imprinting did to someone. Before it happened to me, I thought you were turned into a zombie of love.

Never Let Me Go (Renesmee & Jacob Twilight Fanfiction) 2020Where stories live. Discover now