Nineteen - The date

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It was so easy to talk to Ethan, Renesmee thought, as they tucked into their main course. So far there had been no awkward silences which she might have expected on a first date. The conversation was easily flowing and fun.

He'd been asking about her family after her two Aunts dropped her off earlier. She told him as much as she honestly could and omitted any parts which might lead to awkward questions.

She asked about his family, he had a younger Sister who was two years below her at school and lived with their parents. He had moved out into halls at his college at the start of the term and found it really different. He missed his Sister, who he confessed, he got on really well with, but he did love the freedom away from his parents.

They were soon munching their way through dessert, he had tried to suggest they share a pudding since they'd both had rather large meals so far.

"You can share yours with me if you want, but I've had my eye on that chocolate fudge cake ever since we got here and I'm planning on devouring the whole slice" she said with a smile, he giggled back at her.

"Seriously, where do you put it all? I'm stuffed beyond belief, how can you possibly find room? You're tiny!" he said with an amused shocked voice.

"I do a lot of running, it makes me hungry and also keeps me fit," she said in reply, pleased that she was not technically lying.

So as she had said, she was now devouring the chocolate cake in front of her and was eyeing up his ice cream. He looked on the point of defeat, her spoon hovered in wait. He placed his spoon down and his hands collapsed to the table.

"Alright, I'm out, it's yours" he said. Then smiled up at her as she pounced on his ice cream with her spoon, finishing it in seconds. He giggled again.

"You really are something else," he said softly, staring at her intently. She blushed and looked at the table with a smile, before mustering her strength to look him in the eye. He smiled sweetly at her, her stomach did a little flip and she smiled back at him.

The waiter interrupted the moment by clearing the table, so they sat and chatted about what rides they should go on at the fair whilst they waited for the bill. They seemed to be leaning in closer to each other throughout the conversation.

"Let's not go on anything too stomach turning until our food goes down eh?" he said looking as if he were fit to burst.

"Yea sounds like a good idea, I don't really fancy the idea of my date being sick over me. Dodgems it is then" she said, leaning in a little further and flashing her teeth at him. He looked as if he'd enjoyed her referring to him as her date. Then she realised he was wearing a look she'd seen before on Jacob, she'd just accidentally stunned Ethan by getting too close and unleashing the power of her full smile and scent. She giggled and waited for him to come to his wits again. He finally snapped back to reality and flushed bright red as he babbled an apology.

"So sorry, don't know what came over me," he said, she just giggled in response. The bill had arrived in the meantime, Renesmee reached into her bag for her money.

"Uh, no you don't, I'll get this" he said.

"You're a student, you don't have money to spend on me like that," she said surprised.

"I have an allowance which I can spend on what I want and if I want to spend it on buying dinner for the most beautiful woman I've ever met then I can" he said, slightly blushing as he did so. She felt a bit giddy at his words and smiled back at him, then feeling brave reached out to take his hand.

"Thank you, it was a lovely dinner," she said. He rubbed the back of her hand and placed the money for the bill on the table. Then still holding her hand, he rose from the table, swung his arm round the table towards her and pulled her to her feet. She grabbed her coat in one fluid movement and brought it with her.

Never Let Me Go (Renesmee & Jacob Twilight Fanfiction) 2020Where stories live. Discover now