Catching Feelings (Part 2)

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I wake up with a thumping headache, her message playing over in my head. I've never been a quitter, if I set my sights on something I tend to get it. Whether it's luck or hardwork I end up reaching my end goal. The goal in this case is showing Jo I am worth her time. The idea of her brushing me off just isn't something I am ready to face. I will show her that I mean it when I say I want to see her again. How? I don't know yet but I will figure it out.

I turn on my cell, a few messages pop up instantly but no new message from her changing her mind. I guess I didn't reply so I shouldn't have expected anything when I woke up. I ignore the messages for now and turn on my best charm whilst tapping out my plea.

Good Morning, I understand you may be busy but..... in all honesty Jo, I can't not see you again. I would like an opportunity to fix my error by treating you to dinner. Let me know when you are free. We can meet there or I can pick you up, the choice is yours. Hero x

As I hit send I find a smug grin spread across my face, even I couldn't refuse this sort of attention, I hope it works. I get my ass out of bed, eat some cereal and shower before replying to Evan. He wants to go for lunch, he has some news for me so I agree to meet him at the sandwich place not far from my apartment. I grab my phone, checking for a reply but nothing. As I head down the street listening to some tunes my mind is buzzing with possibilities of what her response will be, I really am hooked on a stranger. This is fucking madness.

'Hey dude, over here' I hear Evan call, I was so lost in thought I walked straight past where he was seated. I turn abruptly and nearly knock over the poor woman passing me by.

'Jo!' I shout as the lady turns. Shit she is here, I nearly pushed her over. Fuck. She walks towards me staring at the ground and I find myself nervous as hell. What are the odds of actually running into her, literally.

'I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you like that. I was away in my thoughts. You OK?' I ask, my voice is softer than usual, timid even at the encounter.

'Yes, I'm fine Hero. What are you doing here?' she looks around gathering her composure. I nod over to Evan who is sat smirking like a twat.

'oh I see. Well have fun. Remember to lay of the cookies' she smiles and tries to leave but before I know what I am doing 8 grab her arm gently.

'Jo, please. Did you get my message? I sent it earlier. I really did want to see you again. I haven't stopped thinking about you since we had coffee' ai know I sound foolish, love struck even but I don't care. She makes me act like an idiot. Maybe if I tell her how she affected me she will agree to dinner with me. Her cheeks blush and she looks nervous but a smile appears on the corner of her cute mouth as she pushes my chest playfully.

'Shut up Hero. That's absurd' she laughs, clearly flattered by honesty. I grab my phone from my pocket, she isn't leaving until I get her number. I'm not fucking this up again. I pass her my cell and nod for her to enter her digits. She takes it hesitantly but does so saving her number under Jo 🍪. This makes us both smile in silence. I shake off my childlike excitement and ask her to join us but she has something to do. I promise to text and she looks at me with a trace of doubt as she turns to leave. I watch her like some pervert, tongue hanging out and eyes wide at the sight when Evan shouts me out of my trance.

'Dude, that's the chick?' he asks.

'She isn't a chick, she's a woman but yes that's Jo' I state sitting across the table from him.

'She is hot man, way to go' his tone is higher than normal as he hits my shoulder in appreciation of her. I move on quickly from the topic not wanting him to be too involved or thinking about her at all. I'm quite annoyed at the idea of her playing on his mind. Before long he spills that he is off to New York for work and I congratulate him. I'm not really playing the good friend right now, I hardly pay attention to anything he says whilst I eat and nod randomly. When we're done we go to a snooker Hall to meet some guys he knows for a few games. I decide to watch rather than play, I have a message to send so I sit back and start typing, excited at the prospect of seeing her again soon. Hopefully tonight.

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