Who Do You Want To Be? (4)

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'Good Morning' I chirp as I stride into the kitchen where Jamie and Jo are sitting with coffee and bagels. I had the best sleep, sound as a baby after my break through with Jo. I didn't want to leave her room but I think slow and steady is best right now. I want to gain her trust, I don't want to do anything that could upset her until she figures me out.

'Morning, we were just talking over the upcoming casting. Sit, we have plenty of coffee left in the pot I'll grab you a cup' Jamie beams as she jumps up from her stool. Jo hasn't said a word and is looking down at her cup.

'You OK? I ask sliding out the stool beside her. The way she looks right now has subdued my spritely morning mood with a bang. What did I do?

'I'm fine. Jamie will bring you up to date on the audition's. The roles sound interesting' she replies, skirting over my obvious question. Not a chance, she isn't shutting me down this morning. I thought last night was us going forward not back.

'You didn't answer me, you know I meant are you OK after last night. Don't push me out Jo' I plead hoping to get back the high I was on after she allowed me to get closer than before.

'No I'm pissed off. Why did you leave? Was I a dissapointment, you know not giving you what you wanted. Cuddling wasn't what you hoped for' she whispers, but her words are angry. Is she fucking joking! What I wanted, I haven't given her any reason to doubt me and sex was the last thing on my mind. I wanted to comfort her and left because I didn't want to push her or make her uncomfortable when she woke up, given the fact she had a drink and so had I. Give a guy a fucking break.

'Here you go H. I know you don't function without your..... What do you call it liquid energy?' Jamie teases as she pours me a cup of coffee. I need to speak to Jo but not here, not infront of Jamie. I'll put her straight instead of allowing her to paint me as some villain in her head like she seems to have done so far. Jamie goes into detail about the roles we will be auditioning for, it's a book adaption one I have never heard of. I can't help but laugh at the irony of this role, If we both get the parts for this film Jo would be my saving grace and I the troubled, emotionless jerk, so far from the reality of my life right now. If we got the parts we would get more time together, that can only be a good thing right? I need to make sure I prepare for this one. The idea of her working so closely to someone else irks me. I'm pissed off before Jamie finishes explaining.

'So we have a meet and greet today, very informal I pulled a few strings. So get your asses ready. We are meeting the author of the book at 1' she claims whilst slipping off into the living room. Great, today of all days, with the building tension between Jo and I this is going to be a fucking disaster. I grab Jo's arm and lead her down the hall, her face is grimacing but she comes without a fight. I pull her into my room and nod for her to take a seat on my messy, unmade bed. I really need to start making it when I get up instead of living like a slob, not important right now though.

'Jo, I had no hidden agenda. I left because I didn't want to freak you out. I swear I did it for you, do you think I want to hurt you worse still fuck you and leave? Sex was not even close to being a thought in my head last night, I mean you're beautiful and of course the idea turns me on but that isn't what I want from you. I want you to give me a fucking chance here because I sure as hell think your worth getting to know. I care about you, don't you see that?' I state, honestly and exhausted. I'm way out of my depth, I have no clue how to do any of this but I want to learn for her. I want to be the guy she can rely on, maybe even love at some point. Fuck, I'm so into this woman, I hadn't even realised. The fall Skinner told me about is fucking happening and I can't do a thing about it. She has me hooked.

'Well it didn't seem like that when I woke up and you had just gone Hero' she replies quietly, I hope to fuck she understands I'm not just some dickhead after one thing.

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