Lost...... (2)

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7 days have passed, I haven't slept just wandered the streets looking for my boy. I can't imagine how scared he is right now. It's always been the two of us for his entire life time. This is torture, not knowing where or how he is. My chest feels empty and heavy all at the same time. The shelters and rescues are all sick of seeing me and I swear my clothes no longer fit from all the running around I've done not that I care, I just want Diesel back. I'm lost, I don't know what to do, wandering around hopelessly trying to find him is all I have done but so far not even a sighting. I'm close by the police station now so I decide to go back and ask once more if anyone has any information. Luckily it's the same officer I saw mere days ago.

'Excuse me, my names Hero. I was in here looking for my lost dog. Has there been any sightings?' I plead, my eyes heavy from lack of sleep and worry.

'Hero, I have news but it isn't the news you'd hoped for I' m afraid' her eyes look genuinely saddened and my heart drops at the thought of my best friend being injured or worse, dead. I walk closer to the glass shield between us and place my hands on the counter awaiting the bad news.

'We have Diesel' she states.

'You do? Is he, is he OK?' my entire outlook on life changes for a brief moment I'm overjoyed that he is close, he's here. My boy is here.

'He is OK, a young lady found him and handed him in to us yesterday but we have had to place him in the dangerous dog kennels due to his breed, he'll undergo some tests from an expert to determine whether he is going to be siezed under breed specific legislation which can ultimately end with euthanasia' she advises a sombre tone in her voice. If I didn't know better I would say this was empathy, she seems as sad as I am about this situation.

'Wait, what? Dangerous dog? Diesel is the softest, most loving animal you could meet. Why the hell would he be put away with dangerous animals. Can I see him please?' I beg, confused and angry at there mistake, my boy isn't dangerous. He may be a mixed bull breed but he is nothing but kind and gentle. I know what happens to dogs that are classed as dangerous they rot in kennels or worse they are put to sleep instantly without being given a chance to show they are kind creatures. Small minded people forcing animals lives to be ended because of how they look makes me sick.

'Let me speak to my superior with regards to you seeing him. We also need some details, do you have any information about him, his breed, papers maybe?' she asks before standing from her seat.

I shake my head, I don't have any of those things. Deisel was part of a litter that a fellow homeless guy had, when I spotted him I knew he was what I needed to keep me going and the kind man gave him to me. He wouldn't take the £20 I had at the time and just wished me a life of love with my new companion. Shit! This isn't helping my boy is it. I watch on as the officer is in conversation with her boss, he stares over, taking in my appearance and for once I hope my dishevelled appearance will atleast earn me some pity so I can see my dog. I watch intently as they converse hoping and praying they give me an opportunity to put this right and show them how loving he is. Right now my boy is probably scared at being away from me, not knowing what is going on can't help. She strides back to me but instead of sitting behind the glass partition she opens a side door and ushers me in.

'I'm not meant to do this but you seem genuinely upset and I think it's about time you got a break. Follow me, Jo is looking after Diesel currently. She will give you some one on one time with your dog' she smiles softly. I want to embrace her and thank her for her kindness but I stink and don't think she'd appreciate that to much, instead a single tear rolls down my cheek as I nod and thank her for her kindness. I follow her through various white washed corridors, this place is eerily quiet apart from the distinct barking I hear as we approach a big sign stating DANGEROUS DOGS. my stomach turns as I think of all the harmless animals in here, missing their families and wondering what they did to deserve being taken away from cosy beds and loving arms. This is an awful place and my heart sinks in my chest.

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