Suited And Booted (Part 4)

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I sit silent with my thoughts looking deep into her eyes after what she said to me, I feel like an asshole. She thinks that little of me. Jo shifts and sits beside me looking out the window, not acknowledging what happened so it would seem. I sense the instant regret she feels of kissing me and for the first time in my life I feel hurt, discarded of and rejection. I haven't ever experienced rejection, I haven't ever really given a damn to want to hold anyone's attention if I'm being honest. With fame came opportunity, I never had to make a point of attracting anyone when I had an endless amount of volunteers. I sound like a prick I know but I am truthful no matter how bad I sound. That's what being in the spotlight did and that was one of the few perks in my youth.

I never dated, it seemed to messy and drawn out. I fucked, alot. But it was all mutual understanding with the lady I was with at the time. They wanted to experience someone in the limelight, not actually get to know me. It was a short lived high for them and for me. When they left I never thought about them again, it was easy. But with Jo the idea she has of me and how she thinks I would treat her triggers something inside me that isn't pleasant. I feel guilty for my past behaviour and the image she has of me. It fucking hurts. I know now that my feelings are strong for her, even the way she left my lap left me empty. I want to be close to her. I crave to be close to her.

'Jo, look at me please' I ask softly, reaching to hold her tiny hand in mine but she shrugs off my attempt although granting me with looking towards me atleast.

'Hero, Please can we not do this. You are my boss, we had drinks and stupidly kissed. It should never of happened we both know that' she says looking away from me again. Fuck! This isnt how I expected tonight to go, I never expected to taste the sweet woman beside me on my lips or feel this over powering urge to protect her from the world.  What the fuck is this. What has her kiss done to me.

'First of all Jo, it wasn't stupid. Secondly, you have a pretty poor idea of my intentions right now. All of which are incorrect. Maybe I am wrong but i feel a mutual attraction between us. I feel something for you, more than I have ever felt towards a woman, I don't want to fuck you and leave you Jo' I state whilst turning her head towards me, her eyes scan my face for lies I assume but I am for the first time being an open, honest book. I don't know why I am laying it bare but I want her to know, she needs to know. This won't go away and I sure as hell don't intend on letting this be a one off. The idea of her kissing Romeo or any other jerk makes me tense. Fuck, I would rip their heads off if I ever saw that sight.

'Hero, please. I can't do this. I am sorry for my behaviour. I was unprofessional and it wasn't right of me to do that' as the words leave her mouth the car stops and I see we are back at the hotel. My heart sinks in my chest, I fucking hate this feeling. She only kissed me but the power she holds over me now is unnerving. I can't let this go, I can't let her go.

We both exit the car and walk in silence to the lobby, she nods goodnight and walks away from me leaving me like some pathetic teenager with a broken heart as the girl I love leaves me behind. Who am I right now! Fuck this. I am Hero Fiennes Tiffin, I work my ass off and achieve my goals. I don't stand back and watch from side lines. I know what and who I want, I want her to be mine and I will do what it takes to make it happen. I stride through reception towards the elevator and punch the button in a rage. As I arrive as floor 22, I scan the room numbers for 422. As I approach the door I feel my body shudder, this is new territory for me. I never chase but for her I will. I knock on the door and within seconds it opens.

'Hero?' she says in low voice and without thinking I push my way in, I take her in my arms and I kiss her, pouring in every god damn emotion my body is holding in the very moment. My lips are harsh against hers, filled with need and want. I need this from her, I need to feel something back in return to confirm if she wants me. Her lips part and her tongue meets mine but the thrill of exploring her lasts seconds until she pulls away.

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