It's Always Been...You

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I never truly understood the phrase if you love someone let them go or when people say 'I'm happy as long as they are, even if it isn't with me' but in this moment, I get it, I feel those words.

'Earth to Jo! It's your turn dummy' he says passing me the controller whilst clicking his fingers in front of my face.

'OK calm down, jeez your so bossy' I reply, slightly annoyed that I have been pulled from thoughts to play X Box. This is how we spend our Sunday's, I stay over and he makes me play games all day whilst we have a chilled out day. I met him when I was 7, I was the awkward newbie at primary school when my family relocated to London. I didn't know anyone, I stood in the playground whilst everyone stared at me. I wanted that day to end before it had even begun, more so when the green eyed boy with messy hair approached me. I will never forget watching him saunter across the playground to me with a confidence I could only dream of having,. He seemed so sure of himself even at 7 but what followed is something I wish my mind would erase. The shame.

'Hey, you know your skirt is tucked in your knickers don't you?' he said loudly as he scanned me from head to toe, as I processed his words I wanted the ground to swallow me whole. My first day, my first freaking day and already the entire school saw my panties. Obviously at 7 I was distraught but I pulled my damn skirt down and pretended not care laughing whilst dying inside at the same time.

'I'm Hero. You're new here aren't you' he asked whilst circling me like a vulture, a scene from the Jungle Book quickly filled my mind.

'Yes, first day. I'm Jo' I replied walking towards the line of children queing by the door. I felt him follow behind but we didn't speak anymore until later that day. I sat outside at break time and watched all the kids form into their groups, none of which I belonged in.

'Why are you alone? Don't you like making friends Jo?' He said whilst sitting beside me. Why won't he go away I recall thinking. I wanted to forget our encounter and that he saw my knickers. I just shrug, I was shy as a child, I loved to read and ride my bike, I didn't mind being alone. I had some friends back home but not many and after my first morning of flashing the entire playground I didn't feel much like making an effort with anyone. He didn't seem to get that and continued to chat to me throughout break time, it became a usual for us. We would meet up at break, share sandwiches and play games. Hero was quite popular, with girls and boys. Everyone wanted to be his friend, he had friends of course. A small group if boys he spent his time out of school with. They had funny names, not like your usual Henry and Arthur's.

I started to enjoy school after that day, Hero made my days fun and I wasn't alone anymore. He became my best friend quickly, we were inseparable. I knew everything about the green eyed boy who made me feel welcome. I knew he hated to eat the crusts on his bread and hid them, I knew he drank a cup of tea with 3 sugars like a little man even at the age of 7, I knew he hated learning French more than any other class. We knew everything there was to know about our 7 year old selves, which never changed throughout our years. We went to high school together, we did everything together. His other friends accepted me and never left me out, they were so funny and kind. I loved spending my time with them all. It caused so many drama's with girls, they hated me without having any reason. They wanted to know why the green eyed boy spent his days with me and not them. I couldn't answer this as I too was unsure.

Hero would play up to it often wrapping his arm around my shoulders as we walked to class or waiting for me to finish and walk me home, he really did seem to enjoy winding them up. As he grew older so did his smart mouth, he was intelligent and spoke well too. If I met him at 15 I would have disliked him, he was full of himself as his looks started to change and he became the guy all the girls wanted to date. Even though he didn't bother, he was all about football and friends. Never exploring the endless requests he received to go to the cinema on dates with the popular girls from school. Part of me was glad, I liked that he and I spent all our free time together. This had been my way of life since moving to England, Hero was all I knew. I never made any other friends after him and the small group he shared with me.

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