Emerald Eyes Or Monster In Disguise (3)

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'Jo, shit I didn't mean to scare you. Why are you so jumpy?' Noah asks as I twist to face him. My heart is beating out of my chest and I struggle to string my words together as tears pour from eyes. Fuck, I have never been that scared in my life. This is getting out of hand now. Why have I become a nervous wreck of late.

'Noah. What the fuck! Don't ever do that to me again' I hiss as I try to compose myself. My breathing is ragged, verging on panic attack. I take deep breathes in the hope to calm my pounding heart.

'I'm sorry, I thought you would get a small shock but not a full blown meltdown. I won't ever do that again, shit. I am so sorry Jo' he says whilst trying to soothe me, rubbing his hands up and down my arms. I shake him off in temper and pace back amd forth. No way am I telling him I am about to be admitted to an asylum because I am losing my god damn mind. After a few moments and plenty of cussing I calm down. I know he didn't intend to give me a heart attack but still, it nearly did. After I accept his apology and the air between us clears from the thick tension moments ago we Co tinue into the restaurant. Noah tries to pry but I shut him down, I don't know what is wrong with me. I am starting to wonder if I should pull out from playing Tessa. The pressure must be affecting me.

'Don't even try to pay Jo. Don't worry it's not a date or anything but I was raised well. I invited you so it's my shout' he insists as he pulls his wallet from his pocket.

'OK, on the condition I do the inviting next time and you let me follow your rules by paying' I tease in return but my words are serious. I had a nice time with Noah, I genuinely think we can have a friendship, he's lovely but I don't have any sexual attraction towards him so friends is all it would ever be. I get the feeling it's a mutual thing which makes this even more enjoyable. No crossed wires or awkwardness can interfere if we are on the same page.

After the bill is settled we stand outside, Noah's Uber arrives before mine and I have to force him into after a argument about waiting with me. I am capable of standing outside a restaurant myself so he finally gives in and gets his cab. I wave him off and check my phone, it should be here in a moment. I stand away from the alley that nearly caused my death earlier. The streets are quieter now but the passing bodies ease my anxiousness. I'm safe here. Just as I pull my phone from my pocket to check the time again a black car pulls up in front of me on the sidewalk, oh god. Please don't ask if I'm working, that would be embarrassing.

As the window slides down I instantly calm when those beautiful green orbs lock onto mine. How is he always in the same place as me, I laugh at the idea it's destiny. How ridiculous.

'Why are you standing out here, alone may I add. You know that's dangerous right?' he says softly as I edge towards the car. I'm clueless on models but I notice the familarity of the vehicle, my cousin has the same model a Nissan GT-R, I roll my eyes at the fact he is clearly earning a pretty penny at the studio to afford this.

'We don't all have the luxury of owning a car so I'm waiting for an Uber. I just had dinner with Noah' I say openly, not sure why I'm oversharing but it's already done before I can refrain.

'I see, so a date then?' he asks whilst raising a brow. I nearly snort at the idea but instead hold back from sounding like a pig and stifle my giggle.

'Not a date, just dinner. I'll pay next time to return the gesture of friendship'. I emphasise friendship and notice the smirk cross his full lips. Those lips!

'Well that's good to know. How about I give you a lift since I am here and so are you. Saves you driving back with some strange Uber driver' he asks whilst nodding to the passenger seat. I smile whilst toying with the idea. I want to go with Hero, I don't hesitate as I cancel my Uber and jump in. The seat hugs my body as I buckle up and he smiles before pulling off. I feel something towards him, I don't know if it is just the way he pulls me in with those eyes or the smoothness in his voice, whatever it is, I'm hooked and glad I bumped into him again. We drive silent for a little while, all I can hear is the song playing over his stereo. It's catchy and I tap my finger in time with the tune.

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