It's Always Been...You (4)

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3 Months Later....

'Hey sweetheart, come in. Hero's not here but come in. We haven't seen you in so long, we miss you' Martha says whilst opening her arms to give me a hug. I knew he wouldn't be around, seems Rosie is the light of his fucking life lately. I hardly ever see him anymore. I tried to be nice to her, I really fucking tried but she was pissed that "Jo was girl" to quote her words when we met. After that I stayed away, I knew I needed to let him make a go of things with the girl with matching emerald eyes only hers didn't take my breathe away like his. I want Hero to be happy. Even if it's not me making that happen. I miss him terribly, I've been so lost without him around. I haven't stayed here for months, I chose to hang out with the others in his absence but I always go home afterwards. I don't have the same relationship with them as I did with Hero although Morgz tries, bless him. He really goes all out to by my girlfriend as he puts it often asking me for the downlow and gossip which results in us rolling about laughing hysterically from his feminine voice.

'So are you going to tell me what is going on Jojo?' Martha asks whilst sitting opposite me in the kitchen. I want to tell her everything but I can't. I won't open that can of worms, he doesn't feel the same and I sure as hell won't put myself out there to lose the little friendship we have left.

'Nothing, you know how it is. Things change, we grew up I guess. How is he anyway? I haven't seen him since last weekend when he popped by the park for an hour' I ask trying to move this topic along before I sit and spill the content sof my heart out across the kitchen island.

'I have no idea to be honest. We hardly see him anymore, he brings Rosie by now and then but not for a while. I don't know if I like her but that's just between us. She seems very...... Demanding?' she shrugs as if trying to find the right words to describe the little witch named Rosie. Demanding is an understatement, I heard the guys skating her last weekend but I didn't join in. Felix said she has a rod up her ass, I won't repeat what the rest said.

'Aww well he knows what he is doing I'm sure. He's no doormat so I wouldn't worry to much. Anyway I am sorry to cut this short but I left some things here that I need. Can I pop up and grab them please?' I ask, not feeling the way I had 3 months ago. It no longer feels like home here, I am a stranger, just a memory of a shared past now.

' Of course, go on up sweetie'.

As I take the stairs I feel my stomach knotting, I haven't been in his room for so long. I wonder if he changed anything, if her stuff is scattered around in the spaces mine used to fill. I open the door, scanning the room before I step inside but see nothing has changed, relief floods through me as I stride in and grab my text books from his bookshelf. I run my finger along the desk and over his notes, I miss our nights studying together. Laying on our stomachs copying each others work. We always argued about it, he was to lazy to even attempt to reword my work causing me to freak out at getting caught out. I sit on his bed and from nowhere my tears spill down my cheeks. Fuck, I didn't expect to feel so emotional in here. This room holds so many memories, most of my life has been spent in here with him. I wish I had the courage to tell him, I knew I loved him before Rosie. I just wouldn't admit it.

'Jo?' he asks as walking in looking puzzled at me being sat in his bed sobbing. I hope this is my kind playing tricks on me. This is not how I wanted to be caught. I wipey face and jump to my feet shuffling past him as quickly as I can.

'Sorry, I was just going. I needed these' I hold up the books as proof of my visit. Fuck, this can't be happening right now.

'Hey, hold up. Why you running off? I haven't seen you for so long, stay for abit' he asks with pleading eyes but rage runs through my veins at his words. Hasn't seen me, is he fucking kidding! Stay for abit, I don't think so. He left me, he chose to spend his time with her and never gave me a second thought. Fuck him.

'I can't, I need to go. I have plans anyway but it was good seeing you' I say as I turn and run for the stairs, resulting in me nearly breaking my neck. I hate being clumsy but I manage to prevent the fall and escape through the door still intact. That was awkward, to awkward. I guess what he had has gone now, all those years are just a time if the past. This is growing up, things had to change at some point. I walk as fast as my legs will go before I turn around and run into his arms, I want to do that so badly. I hate the way he messes with my head, fuck him! I do have plans atleast, that wasn't a lie. I grab my phone as see the new notification.

✉️ Morgz - Hey gurlll. 8pm, Jack's. See you there girlfriend 😜

That guy is nuts, completely of his rocker but I'm grateful to have him as my friend. Even if I have to tell him that is not how girls speak, not any I know anyway which come to think of it is not many. He has filled a huge void for me the past 3 months. He knows it just aswell as I do. Maybe that's why he makes such an effort to include me, he has a good heart. I tap back a reply confirming I will be there and go home to change and get myself ready. Lately the guys have invited a few girls to the parties, they have all been really nice but they go all out with make up and heels. I stick to my usual get up of jeans and trainers however tonight I think I might dabble with a new look.

After faffing around, nearly blinding myself with liquid eyeliner I finally feel ready. This was alot of hard work, I won't be making it a habit but for tonight I will make an exception. I stand staring at my reflection for ages, is this even me. I raided my wardrobe and managed to find some skinny black jeans with tears on the knees, a fitted maroon camisole along with a black cut of denim jacket. My outfit shows my body and all the curves to go with it, I look like a woman rather than the tomboy I usually see. My eyes are a light smokey effect and I run liner around them to emphasis the blue, a little blush and a nude lip gloss. My long hair is wavy and sat over one shoulder. Fuck, I look so unlike me but confident, more confident than ever before. I sound ridiculous, my clothing gave me confidence but it's true. I still opt for trainers, I can't walk in heels.

I arrive at Jack's just after 8pm, knocking loudly to make sure I'm heard over the music pounding through the panes of glass in the front door. When the door opens Morgz face drops, mouth open and eyes wide. I stare back nervously as he looks me up and down.

'What the hell Jo! You look so different. I nearly didn't recognise you. Damn girl you are smoking' he says whilst pulling my arm to guide me inside. I laugh at his words l as I head to the kitchen, the guys all stop and stare which puts me on edge. After some teasing about who's the new girl I go over and join them, glad that my make over is quickly forgotten as we play the usual drinking games I have become a pro at over the last few weeks.

A few hours have passed and everyone is enjoying the dance routine the guys are trying to do, they are crazy but hilarious. I feel drunk, drunker than I wanted to be but I am having so much fun I don't give a shit. Morgz dissappears and when he walks back in he shoots me a look that puts me in edge instantly. Is he here with her? I hope not, ai can't be bothered with them tonight.

I watch as Morgz walks over to his seat beside me and in walks Hero. He doesn't even see me. He makes his way over and bro hugs the guys, getting some stick for his lack of social etiquette lately. After apologising he grabs a beer and takes the seat across from me. How rude, he hasn't even acknowledged me. Is he trying to make me feel like shit, is this him making a point that I no longer have a place in his life because if so I get it. It fucking hurts but I get it Hero. You can stop now.

I look up after my internal rant and find his eyes locked on mine. My heart is about to pound out of my chest at the deep glare we are sharing. Fuck his eyes are beautiful. He doesn't look away and holds his gaze on mine, I feel like everyone left and it is just him and I.

'Hey Jojo, I'm glad you're here. You look beautiful by the way' he winks with a smile spreading across his lips. Is he seriously acting like he hasn't ditched me for the past 3 months, really! I roll my eyes in response, having a drink has given me an attitude. I continue on with the game along with the others, trying to ignore the emerald eyes boring into me. Before long he leaves and goes out to smoke I assume. I try not to look back. I don't want to be around him right now, I don't trust my mouth when I have had so much to drink.

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