Netflix And Chill

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I used to hate Sunday's, it's the shitty day of all 7 on offer, not quite the weekend, not yet the fresh start. It's the inbetween feeling of ignorant bliss, gearing up to face reality whilst some free time remains. We spend Sundays consumed by the thoughts of what's to come when Monday hits like a fucking artic truck. It should be called Smunday, I had come to the conclusion Sunday was the class clown equivalent of days, annoying but present everywhere you go. Teasing slightly yet leaving us little option as to how to spend our time. It was a dead day all in all.

I know alot of people enjoy Sunday's. Those type of people with families who go off on days out together before the busy week starts causing them to work rather than live or those who gather together sharing a nice dinner. For me, it was used to cure a hangover from whatever chaos I had took part in the night before or atleast it did once. I could do other things but this had become the routine of my life, this is how I chose to spend them. I like Monday's however, I would enjoy the buzz I got from knowing this week could be the week, the week that changes my life. All I needed was one good audition or the call I had been waiting for and I would be good to go, taking on my new challenge. The cogs of my life would start turning in the direction I hoped for. I'm a Monday guy without a doubt, can you tell?

That call came, since filming 'After', my life had changed dramatically, everything I thought I knew about myself went out the window, everything I once enjoyed took a turn for the better. I came back from Atlanta with a whole new outlook on life, maturing and growing as the months spent in the humidity helped me evolve into a man. A man on a mission, a man with a purpose, I finally had a goal in life which revolved around the beauty they call Josephine. That woman stumbled nervously into the empty room where I stood waiting to meet my costar for the first time, I recall it so clearly, I was confident and slightly arrogant if I'm honest with you.

I was on top of the world landing my first lead role, after weeks of preparation I had learnt many of Hardin's traits and attitudes towards the world, sliding in and out of character like Jekyll and Hyde but as soon as I lay eyes on her, something shifted within me aswell as my cock at the sight of the beautiful blonde who walked towards me. I can't forget the moment her eyes locked on mine, I swear I felt an instant spark with her, she did too. From that day, I knew I wanted her to be a permanent fixture in my life. She changed my Sunday outlook, they had become a day I waited for, wishing the week away. Sundays were for us, just us. After was deceptively correct where my life was concerned, only difference being it was my life that was never the same After her.

Due to the obvious problems time differences cause we had to plan our new found Sunday routine out, alternating who stayed up late for our facetime film sessions. With a 7 hour difference we tried to start them at 7pm UK time, meaning Jo was up in the middle of the night. Not ideal but it worked for us whilst we are seperated, until the promo tour that was coming up atleast. This is week 4 of our new routine, I love how this simple gesture made me happier than Monday to Saturday. We were in constant contact but this was different, this was our virtual date night. Tonight I am up late, I have spent the day showering her with messages and avoiding everyone else, hibernating away from the world watching the clock tick by until date night. Thank fuck for technology, I don't know how I'd cope if I didn't have some technical device to ease not seeing her everyday. We are in the early stages of figuring this out, she isn't my girlfriend yet but I hope to make it happen even with the distance, I know Jo is the girl for me.

It's 6.30pm, adrenaline is starting to pump through my body knowing soon I will be in my element talking to my girl, the films don't interest me, only her. So far I have spent the time we share staring into the handset as she watches the same movie, she tells me what's going on, she knows me too well, she realised early on that I had no interest in the TV screen. I race around picking up my clothes and random cans littered around the room. I don't want her seeing my slobbish ways. I grab a clean T shirt and fix my hair, splashing myself with some aftershave. Pointless considering she can't smell me but it's date night, these small acts make it feel real.

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