if you get lost

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Detective six on the case! She'll hunt you down in less than a day, the next day, she's not letting you go anywhere she cant see you at.


This smol boy will turn into the most protective guy ever, immediately rushing off so he can find you, if he doesn't find you after half an hour, he'll start to panic, calling out to you and trying to think of places you'd be at, once he does find you, he'll pull you in a hug...you're gonna be stuck there for a little bit.


PANIC PANIC- this poor boy will look everywhere he can for you, panicking at all the things that could be happening to you, he might start hyperventilating if he cant find you, one he finds you, he'll just run up to you and say he was so worried, please calm this boy down before someone hears him-


W h a t, he will be furious, not really at you, more furious that he wasn't near enough to see you walk off, he'll probably find you lost in the woods, and it'll be a relief when he does, he was getting ready to start shooting his gun to see if you'd hear it.

The Lady~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Absolute panic, she will send the janitor to roam the maw and find you, frantically walking around her room in waiting, apparently you got lost in the lower part of the maw, when you're back, shes locking her area of the maw up, giving you less places to get lost at.

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