teaching them to play video games.

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Requested by smollbeanmono!


Clueless, fails with a straight face.

If you start getting stressed she'll just pause the game and stare at you.

Somehow shes better at pvp than on her own, any game that lets her commit in-game murder.

She will kill you...in the game.


Always willing to learn, he'll be excited.

He'll watch you and learn from that, and it surprisingly works.

He likes free roam games like fallout and elder scrolls,he likes to find quests and save people.

He likes playing online games with you, he'd even have a matching username to yours!

[Exept for a few that hed probably blush at. i think who im talking about knows who they are...ngl i actually really like their username. '-']


Not that happy to learn, but once he finds out what they are, he's all for it.

He has a lot of patience when he doesnt get something, making it a little easier to teach him hard stuff.

He loves mystery puzzle games, like among The sleep or fran bow.

If he ever gets scared he'll call you in to help him play, then he'll be fine.


'...can i hit it?'

Please watch him closely, hes the kind of person to rage.

Once he stops, he's actually pretty pleasant to play with.

He likes games like slender the arrival and amnesia, all the spooky stuff.

He's also The kind of guy who brags about not being scared, then when jumpscared he jumps and screams 'FUCK'.

The Lady~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The mom of any server you let her on.

She'll get the hand of it relatively quickly, but is still bad at certain things, like shooting games.

She probably plays on a server in minecraft, she built a little cabin with a cat.

Everybody on that server calls you two the parents, have fun dealing with their shit.


Doesn't care for games, but willing to try for you.

Would ask you lots of questions on how to do everything, then forgets the answer and probably dies.

He likes surgeon simulator, the only way he can operate on actual humans instead of his usual patients.

He'll get a vr headset and do it that way, unfortunately he thinks walking is fine in the game, so he's probably walked into walls.

Thin man~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

[Spoilers for detroit become human ahead!]

Immediately wants to learn.

Acts really excited the entire time, and loves to play stuff with you.

He ends up usually playing stuff like Detroit become human, he likes conner.

He likes conne-



By the gods, this will be horrific.

You teach her and she immediately teaches the children, but not normal games. She uses duelingo. FUCKIN DUELINGO.

She is now the duelingo owl, Spanish or vanish my friend.

Mr. Janitor~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

He...hes blind. Oh well.

You teach him games with sound and repetitive actions, that way he can play and know whats going on.

He still doesnt know whats going on, but he likes the noises the games make, so hes happy.

He probably plays puzzle games and candy crush.

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